Book ID: CBB809318391

Elixir: A Parisian Perfume House and the Quest for the Secret of Life (2023)


Levitt, Theresa (Author)

Harvard University Press
Publication date: 2023
Language: English

Publication Date: 2023
Physical Details: 320

For centuries, scientists believed that living matter possessed a special quality―a spirit or essence―that differentiated it from nonliving matter. But by the nineteenth century, the scientific consensus was that the building blocks of one were identical to the building blocks of the other. Elixir tells the story of two young chemists who were not convinced, and how their work rewrote the boundary between life and nonlife.In the 1830s, Édouard Laugier and Auguste Laurent were working in Laugier Père et Fils, the oldest perfume house in Paris. By day they prepared the perfumery’s revitalizing elixirs and rejuvenating eaux, drawing on alchemical traditions that equated a plant’s vitality with its aroma. In their spare time they hunted the vital force that promised to reveal the secret to life itself. Their ideas, roundly condemned by established chemists, led to the discovery of structural differences between naturally occurring molecules and their synthetic counterparts, even when the molecules were chemically identical.Scientists still can’t explain this anomaly, but it may point to critical insights concerning the origins of life on Earth. Rich in sparks and smells, brimming with eccentric characters, experimental daring, and the romance of the Bohemian salon, Elixir is a fascinating cultural and scientific history.

Reviewed By

Review Hugh Aldersey-Williams (2024) Review of "Elixir: A Parisian Perfume House and the Quest for the Secret of Life". Endeavour: Review of the Progress of Science (p. 100887). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Blondel-Mégrelis, Marika
Cohen, Paul
Costa, Mariagrazia
Fontani, Marco
Han, Jishao
Longhurst, Ian
Ambix: Journal of the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry
Bulletin for the History of Chemistry
Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte
East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine
Revue d'Histoire de la Pharmacie
Revue d'Histoire des Sciences
Cambridge University
University of Toronto
Oxford University Press
Prospect Books
University of Exeter
Cosmetics; perfumes
Science and culture
Laurent, Auguste
Baudrimont, Alexandre-Edouard
Courtois, Bernard
Digby, Kenelm
Gaudin, Marc Antoine Augustin
Time Periods
17th century
19th century
Early modern
20th century
15th century
Paris (France)
London (England)
Great Britain
Université de Paris
Ecole supérieure de pharmacie de Paris

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