Romano, Marco (Author)
Against the backdrop of a critical reflection on the psychiatric concepts of organicism and predisposition to mental illness, this book investigates the relationship between psychiatry and the Great War from a perspective that considers the complexity of the orientations assumed by both the Italian alienists on war pathologies and the health practices implemented towards soldiers. The study highlights the comparison/clash between two totally different approaches forced to coexist during the conflict: on one side, the one from military psychiatry, and on the other the distinctive one from civil asylums. The two perspectives were not always clearly separated, but it is possible to detect a constant tension between the duties towards the war effort and the professional ethics dictated by the neuropsychiatric discipline.
Anna Grillini;
La guerra in testa: Esperienze e traumi di civili, profughi e soldati nel manicomio di Pergine Valsugana (1909-1924)
Filiberto Agostini;
Ernesto Belmondo e l'ospedale psichiatrico di Padova durante la Grande Guerra. Esordio di una ricerca
Donato Bragatto;
Adello Vanni;
Le nevrosi di guerra, l’anafilassi psichica e la sedizione criminaloide a Villa del Seminario (1916-1917)
AD (Sandy) Macleod;
Abrupt treatments of hysteria during World War I, 1914–18
Larsson, Marina;
Families and Institutions for Shell-Shocked Soldiers in Australia after the First World War
Dietze, Gabriele;
“Simulanten des Irrsinns auf dem Vortragspult”: Dada, Krieg und Psychiatrie, eine Aktive Traumadynamik
Agostino Gemelli;
Dario De Santis;
La filosofia del cannone e altri scritti di "psicologia del soldato"
Artvinli, Fatih;
Etker, Şeref;
Bimarhaneler ve Mecanin Yönetimi: ki Taslak ve Süregelen Tart ma
Rebecca Ayako Bennette;
Diagnosing Dissent: Hysterics, Deserters, and Conscientious Objectors in Germany During World War One
Tyquin, Michael;
Madness and the Military: Australia's Experience of the Great War
Julie M. Powell;
Shock Troupe: Medical Film and the Performance of ‘Shell Shock’ for the British Nation at War:
Stefanie Caroline Linden;
When war came home: air-raid shock in World War I
Jones, Edgar;
War Neuroses and Arthur Hurst: A Pioneering Medical Film about the Treatment of Psychiatric Battle Casualties
Mark C. Wilkins;
Aero-Neurosis: Pilots of the First World War and the Psychological Legacies of Combat
Loughran, Tracey;
Shell-Shock and Psychological Medicine in First World War Britain
Wagner, Juliet Clare;
Twisted Bodies, Broken Minds: Film and Neuropsychiatry in the First World War
Franco Basaglia;
Marica Setaro;
Fare l'impossibile. Ragionando di psichiatria e potere
Fiebrandt, Maria;
Rüdenburg, Bodo;
Müller, Thomas;
Von Südtirol nach Württemberg. Die “Umsiedlung” Südtiroler Psychiatriepatienten im Rahmen des Deutsch-Italienischen Optionsvertrages ab 1939
Chiara Tesi;
Mario Picozzi;
Five autopsy reports of rib fractures in the mental hospital of Reggio Emilia (1874–5): pathogenesis proposal in defence of the ‘non-restraint’ system
Marcello Giovanni Novello;
Dal 24 maggio 1915 al 4 novembre 1918: Il Corpo Militare CRI nella Grande Guerra
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