Article ID: CBB804675476

Quelques observations sur le lexique technique de la Practica Geometrie de Léonard de Pise, dit Fibonacci (2019)


Leonardo Fibonacci represents, without any doubt, one of the most loved and well-known personalities in the Western world. His reputation is primarily linked to the famous series of numbers named after him, even though he was above all a great science writer, who played a founding role in the history of mathematics, as well as in the history of culture. Over the years, his books have been studied by prominent scholars, who have instigated large debates and produced translations, giving his work a broader outreach than just academic circles. However, we are still lacking philological and linguistic studies, which could illuminate the most difficult aspects of his mathematical language. This article will examine some recurring technical nouns of the Practica Geometrie. The simplest and apparently most elementary words may in fact be very elusive and ambiguous; moreover, they might cause problems for even the most experienced and careful interpreter.

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Authors & Contributors
Hughes, Barnabas
Moyon, Marc
Elior, Ofer
Boffito, Giuseppe M.
Bussotti, Paolo
Alighieri, Dante
Galenos: Rivista di Filologia dei Testi Medici Antichi
Bollettino di Storia delle Scienze Matematiche
Historia Mathematica
Micrologus: Nature, Sciences and Medieval Societies
Suhayl: Journal for the History of the Exact and Natural Sciences in Islamic Civilisation
Brepols Publishers
Verlag der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
Latin language
Critical editions
Leonardo da Pisa
Adelard of Bath
al-Battānī, Abū ʿAbd Allāh Muḥammad ibn Jābir
Alighieri, Dante
Time Periods
12th century
13th century
14th century
15th century
Mediterranean region
Pisa (Italy)

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