Rozza, Nicoletta (Author)
Moulinier-Brogi, Laurence (Translator)
Leonardo Fibonacci represents, without any doubt, one of the most loved and well-known personalities in the Western world. His reputation is primarily linked to the famous series of numbers named after him, even though he was above all a great science writer, who played a founding role in the history of mathematics, as well as in the history of culture. Over the years, his books have been studied by prominent scholars, who have instigated large debates and produced translations, giving his work a broader outreach than just academic circles. However, we are still lacking philological and linguistic studies, which could illuminate the most difficult aspects of his mathematical language. This article will examine some recurring technical nouns of the Practica Geometrie. The simplest and apparently most elementary words may in fact be very elusive and ambiguous; moreover, they might cause problems for even the most experienced and careful interpreter.
Marc Moyon;
La géométrie de la mesure dans les traductions arabo-latines médiévales
Young, Gregg de;
The Latin Translation of Euclid's Elements Attributed to Gerard of Cremona in Relation to the Arabic Transmission
C. Philipp E. Nothaft;
Graeco-Arabic Astronomy for Twelfth-Century Latin Readers: Ptolomeus et multi sapientum (Abraham Ibn Ezra Latinus) — Robert of Chester, Liber canonum, pt. II
Marc Moyon;
L’appropriation des sciences géométriques arabes en Occident médiéval
Stevens, Wesley M.;
Circulus, Triangulus, Epidonicus: Geometrical Difficulties with Latin Lexicography
Theodosius, ;
Theodosius, Sphaerica: Arabic and Medieval Latin Translations
Enrico Giusti;
Un trattato trecentesco di geometria di ambito genovese e la sua traduzione in volgare
Ofer Elior;
Euclid's Elements in Hebrew Garb: Critical Editions of the Translation by Moses Ibn Tibbon and the Translation Ascribed to Rabbi Jacob, with an Introduction and Glossary. Books I–II
Henry Zepeda;
The First Latin Treatise on Ptolemy's Astronomy: The "Almagesti Minor" (c. 1200)
Dante Alighieri;
Giuseppe Boffito;
Quaestio de aqua et terra
Christina Savino;
Ricerche sulla tradizione del Commento agli Aforismi di Galeno: la traduzione latina di Niccolò da Reggio e il Vat. gr. 283
Emanuele Rovati;
Origin and versions of Astronomia Ypocratis
Ivan Garofalo;
La traduzione araba dei libri I–VI della methodus medendi
Sébastien Moureau;
Min al-Kīmiyā’ ad Alchimiam. The Transmission of Alchemy from the Arab-Muslim world to the Latin West in the Middle Ages
Raffaele Pisano;
Paolo Bussotti;
Fibonacci and the Abacus Schools in Italy. Mathematical Conceptual Streams - Education and its Changing Relationship with Society
Lorch, Richard;
A Latin Fragment on Chords, Translated from Arabic
Ofer Elior;
The Arabic Tradition of Euclid's Elements Preserved in the Latin Translation by Adelard of Bath and the Hebrew Translation by Rabbi Jacob
Hughes, Barnabas;
An Early Abridgement of Fibonacci's De practica geometrie
Fibonacci, Leonardo;
Hughes, Barnabas;
Fibonacci's De Practica Geometrie
Enrico Giusti;
The Sources of Leonardo Pisano and how he used them
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