Conz, Christopher R. (Author)
This paper reconstructs a sheep-dipping campaign in Lesotho, southern Africa to explore the historical dynamics between local social and political circumstances, ecological change and veterinary knowledge. African livestock owners and the British colonial government accelerated a biological transition from local breeds to non-native merino sheep in the early 1900s to produce wool. Wool-bearing sheep ushered in Psoroptes ovis, a parasitic mite that caused the skin condition called scab. Examining colonial Lesotho's anti-scab campaign from 1903 to 1933, its politics, ideas and procedures, improves our understanding of the past and present interplay between transnational science, farmers, governments and the non-human world. This case study of sheep-dipping and the wool industry that it bolstered shows, too, how people from across the social spectrum interacted within new regulatory communities under a colonial state. These communities, fraught with social cleavages of race and class, and geared towards capitalist production, coalesced during the anti-scab campaigns and formed the political, technical and ideological foundation on which subsequent development schemes were built. Chiefs, stockowners, herders, labourers and European veterinarians too participated in various ways in this process of producing and circulating knowledge, and transforming livestock practices and policies.
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Mapping Basutoland: Correspondence Between Geologists Gordon Murray Stockley and Alexander Logie Du Toit (1938–1946)
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“Partnership” in Action: Contagious Abortion and the Governance of Livestock Disease in Britain, 1885--1921
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Beastly Encounters of the Raj: Livelihoods, Livestock and Veterinary Health in India, 1790-1920
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From Practical Men to Scientific Experts: British Veterinary Surgeons and the Development of Government Scientific Expertise, c. 1878--1919
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Livestock Diseases, Racial Politics and Veterinary Medicine in South Africa c. 1870--1920
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From Ubombo to Mkhuzi: Disease, Colonial Science, and the Control of Nagana (Livestock Trypanosomosis) in Zululand, South Africa, c. 1894--1953
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Abbott, Scott;
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Institutionalization of veterinary science in colonial India
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An Unusual Kind of Town: Cattle Disease, Zoonosis, and Public Health in Colonial Salaga (Northern Ghana)
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Veterinary Immunology as Colonial Science: Method and Quantification in the Investigation of Horsesickness in South Africa, c. 1905--1945
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Curing Madness?: A Social and Cultural History of Insanity in Colonial North India, 1800-1950s
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Global circulation of low-end expertise: Knowledge, hierarchy, and labor migration in a Burmese oilfield
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Beauty Or Statistics: Practice and Science in Dutch Livestock Breeding, 1900-2000
Anthony P. Cavender;
Donald B. Ball;
Home Cures for Ailing Horses: A Case Study of Nineteenth-Century Vernacular Veterinary Medicine in Tennessee
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Environmental and Veterinary History---Some Themes and Suggested Ways Forward
Brown, Karen;
Gilfoyle, Daniel;
Healing the Herds: Disease, Livestock Economies, and the Globilization of Veterinary Medicine
Cordero del Campillo, Miguel;
Crónicas de Indias: Ganadería, Medicina y Veterinaria
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