Federico Avogadro (Author)
La filosofia di Ernst Cassirer si attesta oggi come una tra le prospettive più attuali e rilevanti venute alla luce nell’arco dell’ultimo secolo. Muovendo dal concetto di “funzione simbolica”, le sue ricerche hanno spaziato dalla filosofia della matematica alla critica della mitologia nazifascista. Il libro ne ripercorre lo sviluppo dinamico unitario nella forma di una biografia intellettuale, dagli studi giovanili all’esilio negli Stati Uniti, passando dagli anni della Prima guerra mondiale all’impegno in difesa della fragile Repubblica di Weimar. Cassirer, oltre a essere un fermo oppositore del nazismo e uno dei primi a notarne i risvolti mitico-magici, fu un filosofo della scienza in grado di dialogare con Einstein sulla teoria della relatività, nonché uno dei più grandi storici della filosofia del XX secolo. Nella sua opera, l’analisi critica della mitologia e quella della fisica, come quella dell’etica e dell’arte, convergono verso un unico punto di fuga – la “forma simbolica” – seguendo così il filo rosso di uno sviluppo sempre aperto ma sistematico: una metamorfosi, che, di forma in forma, raccolga in un continuum ogni espressione culturale. [Abstract translated by Google Translate: This is the abstract in English… Ernst Cassirer's philosophy stands today as one of the most current and relevant perspectives to come to light over the last century. Moving from the concept of "symbolic function", his research has ranged from the philosophy of mathematics to the criticism of Nazi-fascist mythology. The book traces its dynamic development in the form of an intellectual biography, from his youthful studies to his exile in the United States, passing from the years of the First World War to his commitment in defense of the fragile Weimar Republic. Cassirer, in addition to being a firm opponent of Nazism and one of the first to notice its mythical-magical implications, was a philosopher of science able to dialogue with Einstein on the theory of relativity, as well as one of the greatest historians of philosophy of the 20th century. In his work, the critical analysis of mythology and that of physics, like that of ethics and art, converge towards a single vanishing point - the "symbolic form" - thus following the red thread of an always open but systematic: a metamorphosis which, from form to form, brings together every cultural expression in a continuum.]
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Jeremy Heis;
Arithmetic and Number in the Philosophy of Symbolic Forms
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Ernst Cassirer, Kurt Lewin, and Hans Reichenbach
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Interpreting Cassirer: Critical Essays
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Sebastian Luft;
The Philosophy of Ernst Cassirer: A Novel Assessment
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Intersubjectivity and Physical Laws in Post-Kantian Theory of Knowledge: Natorp and Cassirer
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A Retrospective View of Determinism and Indeterminism in Modern Physics
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Symbolic Form and Mental Illness: Ernst Cassirer’s Contribution to a New Concept of Psychopathology
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Holism and the Constitution of “Experience in its Entirety” Cassirer contra Quine on the Lessons of Duhem
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Ernst Cassirer and the History of Science
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From Mathematics to Quantum Mechanics – On the Conceptual Unity of Cassirer's Philosophy of Science (1907–1937)
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Michael Polanyi and His Generation: Origins of the Social Construction of Science
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Le continuisme de Duhem en questions
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Pierre Duhem: Verità, ragione e metodo
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Pierre Duhem 1891-1896. Dalla fisica teorica alla storia e filosofia della scienza
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Claudia Arrighi;
Paola Cantù;
Mauro De Zan;
Patrick Suppes;
Logic and Pragmatism: Selected Essays by Giovanni Vailati
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Ernst Cassirer's Neo-Kantian Philosophy of Geometry
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Il 'lodevole artificio'. Trattati mnemotecnici nella biblioteca privata leibniziana
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