Giglioni, Guido Maria (Author)
Telesio’s notion of nature is the result of a very elaborate reflection on the ideas of vital autonomy, material substance, and sentience in all its many forms (including pleasure and pain). At its core we find the concept of life force (the natura agens) understood as the ultimate principle of change and differentiation in the universe. As is well known, Telesio grounds the possibility of a perpetually self-active force in the concept of natural sentience (sensus). In this article, I focus on one of the many meanings of sensus that can be found in Telesio’s work, that is, pain. This aspect of the layered notion of Telesian sentience has been less studied by specialists of Renaissance philosophy. I show how a specific locus in Hippocrates’s De natura hominis, already been interpreted by Galen, was used by Telesio to introduce a philosophical missing link to mediate the notion of immutable sameness of matter with that of natura agens as dynamic identity.
Roberto Bondì;
Le edizioni del De iride di Telesio
Simone Bresci;
Entia appetunt consimilia sibi: senso, conservazione e somiglianza da Telesio a Campanella
Leen Spruit;
«Nonnulla ex Telesio»: on the Reception of Telesio in the Seventeenth-Century
Giuliano Gasparri;
La fisica di Pierre Gassendi e il naturalismo tardorinascimentale italiano
Jason König;
Regimen and Athletic Training
John F. Donahue;
Culinary and Medicinal Uses of Wine and Olive Oil
Kamran I. Karimullah;
Transformation of Galen’s Textual Legacy from Classical to Post-Classical Islamic Medicine: Commentaries on the Hippocratic Aphorisms
Carlo Delle Donne;
Con gli occhi di chi soffre. Le metafore dei malati tra Ippocrate e Galeno
Julia Laskaris;
Metals in Medicine: From Telephus to Galen
John F. Donahue;
Klaus-Dietrich Fischer;
Caroline Petit;
Simon Swain;
Pseudo-Galenica: The Formation of the Galenic Corpus from Antiquity to the Renaissance
Gabriele Marasco;
Gerolamo Cardano: tradition classique et réalités nouvelles dans l'anatomie et dans la chirurgie à l'epoque de la Renaissance
García Valverde, José Manuel;
El galenismo crítico de Girolamo Cardano: Análisis de la presencia de galeno en el De Immortalitate Animorum
Omodeo, Pietro Daniel;
Bernardino Telesio and the Natural Sciences in the Renaissance
Wilson, Nicole;
The Semantics of Pain in Greco-Roman Antiquity
Salmón, Fernando;
From Patient to Text? Narratives of Pain and Madness in Medical Scholasticism
Bernardino Telesio e la cultura napoletana: [Atti del Convegno “Bernardino Telesio e la Cultura Napoletana”, 15 - 17 dicembre 1989]
Schuhmann, Karl;
Zur Entstehung des neuzeitlichen Zeitbegriffs: Telesio, Patrizi, Gassendi
Bondì, Roberto;
Telesio e la tradizione magico-ermetica
Mulsow, Martin;
Frühneuzeitliche Selbsterhaltung: Telesio und die Naturphilosophie der Renaissance
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