McVaugh, Michael Rogers (Author)
Among Galenic texts attracting attention circa 1300 was De complexionibus, which described a crude protocol for determining the qualitative character and intensity of any given medicine. This caught the attention of physicians at Montpellier, where three generations of writers made it into a carefully structured test procedure for identifying by a via experimenti the nature of a drug's effect on healthful function: they introduced a null point as the referent for their measurements, identified a range of contingent factors that had to be controlled for, and devised ways to standardize the sample being tested. Their protocol was certainly designed to be used, but in practice they seemed to have preferred an alternative via rationis that inferred the effect of a medicine from sensory attributes like taste and color, acknowledging that taste tests were coarser and less certain than a structured experimental procedure, but were easier and quicker to perform than the elaborate alternative.
Effie Photos-Jones;
Pigments giving more than colour: The case of Lemnian earth or miltos
Salmón, Fernando;
From Patient to Text? Narratives of Pain and Madness in Medical Scholasticism
Alain Touwaide;
Greek Medical Manuscripts - Diels’ Catalogue: Tome 3: Corpus Galenicum
Nils‐Otto Ahnfelt;
Hjalmar Fors;
Karin Wendin;
Historical Continuity or Different Sensory Worlds? What we Can Learn about the Sensory Characteristics of Early Modern Pharmaceuticals by Taking Them to a Trained Sensory Panel.
Ai Hisano;
(October 2023)
Eye Appeal Is Buy Appeal
Amneris Roselli;
Colorito della pelle e sistema degli umori: Galeno interprete di Ippocrate, Epidemie VI 3, 13 e VI 2, 6
Francesco Lopez;
Il "pigmento verde" nel trattamento delle ferite: Un confronto tra i papiri medici egizi ed il Corpus hippocraticum sull'impiego in medicina del verderame
John Wilkins;
Bodily Fluids (‘Humours’) and Flavours in Galen’s Simple Medicines
Lewis, Gillian;
The Debt of John Ray and Martin Lister to Guillaume Rondelet of Montpellier
McVaugh, Michael R.;
The nature and limits of medical certitude at early 14th-century Montpellier
Histoire de l'École médicale de Montpellier: Colloque
Bonnet, Hubert;
La faculté de médecine de Montpellier: Huit siècles d'histoire et d'éclat
Lohff, Brigitte;
Die Rezeption der Werke Johann Georg Zimmermanns in Montpellier
Normandin, Sebastien;
Visions of Vitalism: Medicine, Philosophy and the Soul in Nineteenth Century France
Michael Rogers McVaugh;
Why Rhazes?
Article Bhayro, Siam; Syriac Medical Terminology: Sergius and Galen's Pharmacopia (/p/isis/citation/CBB001230146/)
Livia Radici;
Il peso degli ingredienti nella tradizione delle ricette mediche: note su Galeno e Aezio
Giovanni Pietro Orelli Barnaba;
Benedino Gemelli;
Giovanni Pietro Orelli Barnaba di Locarno, Opera Medica (1711)
Daniela Fausti;
Farmacologia e medicina popolare: un rapporto complesso
Matteo Martelli;
Medicine in early Graeco-Egyptian alchemical texts (1st-3rd century AD)
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