Tou, Erik R. (Author)
Today, Leonhard Euler receives most of the credit for developing the basic theory of fluids, and modern fluid mechanics is indeed descended from his original insights. However, fluid mechanics as originally conceived by Euler is strikingly different in appearance from today’s treatment of the subject. Here, we examine two of Euler’s earliest works in fluid mechanics – first, an extract from a letter to Johann Bernoulli, and second, an early manuscript published many years after it was written. From these works, we see the influence that Daniel and Johann Bernoulli had on the development of Euler’s ideas.
Elisa Patergnani;
Luigi Pepe;
Les mathématiciens français et italiens du «siècle long»: 1700-1814
Calero, Julián Simón;
The Genesis of Fluid Mechanics, 1640--1780
Guillame Jouve;
The First Works of D'Alembert and Euler About the Problem of Vibrating Strings from the Perspective of Their Correspondence
Suay Belenguer, Juan Miguel;
Los Molinos y las Cometas por Mr. Euler le fils. Modelos matemáticos para las máquinas hidráulicas en el siglo XVIII
Paolo Freguglia;
Mariano Giaquinta;
The Early Period of the Calculus of Variations
Bertoloni Meli, Domenico;
The emergence of reference frames and the transformation of mechanics in the Enlightenment
Cerulus, Frans A.;
Daniel Bernoulli and Leonhard Euler on the Jetski
Sylvio R. Bistafa;
Euler’s Friction of Fluids Theory and the Estimation of Fountain Jet Heights
Eckert, Michael;
Euler and the Fountains of Sanssouci
John T. E. Richardson;
Who Introduced Western Mathematicians to Latin Squares?
Frisch, Uriel;
Villone, Barbara;
Cauchy's Almost Forgotten Lagrangian Formulation of the Euler Equation for 3D Incompressible Flow
Euler, Leonhard;
Commercium epistolicum. Commercium cum Johanne (I) Bernoulli et Nicolao (I) Bernoulli. Ediderunt Fellmann, Emil A. et Gleb K. Mikhajlov, auxilio Bosshart, Beatrice, Adolf P. Juškevič et Judith Kh. Kopelevič
Jaquel, Roger;
Les correspondances de Léonhard Euler (1707-1783), de son fils J.A. Euler (1734-1800), et de leur ami Jean III Bernoulli (1744-1807)
Fellmann, Emil A.;
Non-mathematica im Briefwechsel Leonhard Eulers mit Johann Bernoulli
Fonteneau, Yannick;
D'Alembert et Daniel Bernoulli face au concept de travail mécanique
Pradier, Pierre-Charles;
Riecau, Nicolas;
D'Alembert et D. Bernoulli au sujet de l'inoculation de la petite vérole
Darrigol, Olivier;
The Acoustic Origins of Harmonic Analysis
Gilain, Christian;
Mathématiques mixtes et mathématiques pures chez d'Alembert: le cas des systèmes différentiels linéaires
Charlotte Wahl;
Between Cosmopolitanism and Nationalism. the Role of Expatriates in the Dissemination of Leibniz’s Differential Calculus
Barnett, Janet Heine;
Enter, Stage Center: The Early Drama of the Hyperbolic Functions
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