Michael Aldous (Author)
Christopher Coyle (Author)
In the nineteenth century, the Liverpool Cotton Brokers' Association (CBA) coordinated the dramatic growth of Liverpool's raw cotton market. This article shows how the CBA achieved this through the development of a private-order institutional framework that improved information flows, introduced standardization and contracting regimes, and regulated market exchange platforms. These developments corresponded with significantly improved market coordination, which facilitated the growth of the largest raw cotton market in the world. The article's findings demonstrate and quantify the importance of nonstate actors in creating institutions of global exchange central to the first wave of globalization.
Saxonhouse, Gary R.;
Wright, Gavin;
National Leadership and Competing Technological Paradigms: The Globalization of Cotton Spinning, 1878--1933
Niall G. MacKenzie;
(Winter 2018)
Creating Market Failure: Business-Government Relations in the British Paper-Pulp Industry, 1950–1980
Michael R. Cohen;
Cotton Capitalists: American Jewish Entrepreneurship in the Reconstruction Era
Catherine Casson;
Mark Dodgson;
(Summer 2019)
Designing for Innovation: Cooperation and Competition in English Cotton, Silk, and Pottery Firms, 1750–1860
Stephanie Decker;
(Winter 2018)
Africanization in British Multinationals in Ghana and Nigeria, 1945–1970
Michael Mayer;
Julia Hautz;
Christian Stadler;
Richard Whittington;
(Summer 2017)
Diversification and Internationalization in the European Single Market: The British Exception
Peter Albrecht;
Braunschweig und der Kaffee die Geschichte des Röstkaffeemarktes von den Anfängen bis in unsere Tage (Braunschweig and Coffee: the history of the roasted coffee market from the beginning to our days)
Arthur der Weduwen;
Booksellers, Newspaper Advertisements and a National Market for Print in the Seventeenth-Century Dutch Republic
Samuel (Samuel Evan) Milner;
Robbing Peter to pay Paul : Power, profits, and productivity in modern America
Sudev Sheth;
(Autumn 2019)
Unconventional Histories of Capitalism -- Research Note
Ronan Bolton;
Making Energy Markets: The Origins of Electricity Liberalisation in Europe
Mircea Raianu;
(Autumn 2020)
Trade, Finance, and Industry in the Development of Indian Capitalism: The Case of Tata
Laurence F. Gross;
Building on Success: Lowell Mill Construction and Its Results
Meena Menon;
A Frayed History: The Journey of Cotton in India
Choi, Eugene K.;
Reconsidering the Innovations in the Meiji Cotton Spinners' Growth Strategy for Global Competition
Yuan Yi;
(October 2022)
Crafted for Mass Production: Imported Spinning Machinery on the Shop Floor, China, 1910s–1920s
Teresa da Silva Lopes;
Andrea Lluch;
Gaspar Martins Pereira;
(Summer 2020)
The Changing and Flexible Nature of Imitation and Adulteration: The Case of the Global Wine Industry, 1850–1914
Pierre-Yves Donzé;
Des nations, des firmes et des montres: histoire globale de l'industrie horlogère de 1850 à nos jours (Nations, firms and watches: a global history of the watch industry from 1850 to the present day)
Nicholas Alexander;
Anne Marie Doherty;
(Summer 2017)
The Origins of American International Retailing: Tiffany of New York in London and Paris, 1837–1914
Robert Fitzgerald;
The Rise of the Global Company: Multinationals and the Making of the Modern World
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