Mulas, Stefano (Author)
Research into the history of alchemy and Paracelsianism in Italy has highlighted the role of Italian courts in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries as centres of elaboration and diffusion of alchemical knowledge. Among these, one of the best known is the Medici court which already dedicated spaces in the ducal foundry to the alchemical arts in the time of Cosimo I. This interest would remain alive with Francesco I and his son, Don Antonio de' Medici, one of the greatest supporters of Paracelsian medicine in Italy. This contribution presents previously unpublished sources, now preserved in the Archivio di Stato di Firenze and in the collection of the Biblioteca degli Intronati in Siena, that can help us reconstruct in greater detail some significant aspects of Medici alchemical engagement and can, above all, help further determine Paracelsus’s influence in seventeenth century Florence.
Lenke, Nils;
Roudet, Nicolas;
Tilton, Hereward;
Michael Maier---Nine Newly Discovered Letters
Didier Kahn;
Le fixe et le volatil: chimie et alchimie, de Paracelse à Lavoisier
Linda A. Newson;
Alchemy and Chemical Medicines in Early Colonial Lima, Peru
Bobory, Dóra;
Paracelsus in Pannonia: Alchemy and Medicine in Count Boldizsár Batthyány's Circle
Karen Virginia Hunger Parshall;
Michael Thomson Walton;
Bruce Thomas Moran;
Bridging Traditions: Alchemy, Chemistry, and Paracelsian Practices in the Early Modern Era
Hedesan, Georgiana D.;
Paracelsian Medicine and Theory of Generation in “Exterior homo”, a Manuscript Probably Authored by Jan Baptist Van Helmont (1579--1644)
Giovanni Piccardi;
La Farmacia Granducale di Firenze
Hall, Crystal;
Galileo, Poetry, and Patronage: Giulio Strozzi's Venetia edificata and the Place of Galileo in Seventeenth-Century Italian Poetry
Francesca Lotti;
Erasmo, Luciano e l'alchimia: l'Opera nuova di Angelo Forte
Jole Shackelford;
Transplantation and Corpuscular Identity in Paracelsian Vital Philosophy
Eamon, William C.;
Masters of Fire: Italian Alchemists in the Court of Philip II
Mariana Sánchez Daza;
Alchemical and Paracelsian Ideas in the Arte De Los Metales
Hiro Hirai;
Daniel Sennert, Chymistry, and Theological Debates
Didier Kahn;
L'alchimie à livres ouverts: En quête des secrets de la matière: livres et manuscrits du XVIe au XXe siècle
Bruce T. Moran;
Court Authority and the University: Networks, Recipes, and Things-in-the-Making vs. the Abstractions of Made Things
Prinke, Rafał T.;
Beyond Patronage: Michael Sendivogius and the Meanings of Success in Alchemy
Gilly, Carlos;
Il Paracelsismo e il programma editoriale di Pietro Perna
Irina Schmiedel;
Pompa e intelletto: Formen der Ordnung und Inszenierung botanischen Wissens im späten Großherzogtum der Medici
Lucia Papini;
La legislazione medicea sulla pesca nel lago di Castiglione della Pescaia
Gunhild Pörksen;
„Darum nun sollt ihr wissen, daß der Mensch ein Magnet ist…“. Magnetismus als Urphänomen in Paracelsus’ naturwissenschaftlichen Schriften
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