Keisuke Yamada (Author)
In the mid-twentieth century, the Japanese state trained its citizens to identify the sound of a falling bomb. This article explores the little-studied impact of audio-based military technology on wider society, beyond the military sector and beyond Western contexts. In 1941, Japan's elementary schools—renamed National People's Schools—provided new musical training in perfect pitch to strengthen Japan's national defense efforts in wartime. "Explosive sound training" taught children to identify recorded explosive sounds of enemy aircraft, though ultimately such training could not mitigate widespread destruction. This article argues that the recent discussion of "the story of acoustic defense" can benefit from a much broader historiographical framework, one focused not just on the military frame. In the Japanese case, the story was shaped through the active interactions between the military, society, and educational institutions. A multidisciplinary analytical perspective provides a more critical and nuanced understanding of how modern sound-politics overlapped with exercising wartime power.
Clodfelter, Mark;
Beneficial Bombing: The Progressive Foundations of American Air Power, 1917--1945
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The Norden Bombsight and the U.S. Naval Proving Ground
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Fu-Go: The Curious History of Japan's Balloon Bomb Attack on America
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Nishiyama, Takashi;
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Bruno Marcuzzo;
L'universo parabolico della Grande Guerra: I 100.000 bombardieri e l'artiglieria da trincea
Harvey, A. D.;
Air Warfare in Perspective
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“What's a Heaven For?” National Public Culture's Role in Shaping US Space Policy, Aerospace Doctrine, and the Future of the Dyna-Soar, 1957--61
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The Age of the Gas Mask: How British Civilians Faced the Terrors of Total War
(Summer 2017)
Thirteenth Air Force Radio Countermeasures Operations, 1944-45
Nishiyama, Takashi;
Engineering War and Peace in Modern Japan, 1868--1964
Yudin, B. G.;
From the History of Biomedical Experimentation on Humans: The 1949 Khabarovsk Trial
Robertson, Andrew John;
(cited 2000)
Mobilizing for war, engineering the peace: The state, the shop floor, and the engineer in Japan, 1935-1960
Marco Versiero;
Leonardo da Vinci: Le macchine da guerra
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American Bomber Aircraft Development in World War 2
Paolo Bevilacqua;
Marzia Gallo;
Francesco Marconi;
Andrea Thum;
Fabrizio Zannoni;
I rifugi antiaerei di Torino
Arakawa, Hideo;
An Analysis of the Authors of the Science Textbooks for Secondary Schools in Prewar Japan
Katie Day Good;
Bring the World to the Child: Technologies of Global Citizenship in American Education
Cahill, William M.;
Imaging the Empire: The 3d Photographic Reconnaissance Squadron in World War II
Eldridge, Chris;
Electronic Eyes for the Allies: Anglo-American Cooperation on Radar Development During World War II
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