Reis-Castro, Luisa (Author)
Jia Hui Lee (Author)
Domestication is a set of processes that requires active reconfigurations of interspecies relations, environments, and technologies. In this view, both ethnographic and historical sources help us track the exact ways that domestication as a practice actively reveals and conceals relations of power among people and between people and other animals. Two pertinent cases—training rats in Tanzania to detect landmines and releasing mosquitoes to deter the transmission of pathogenic viruses in Brazil—take place in contexts where animals are being modified to achieve certain developmental, medical, or humanitarian goals. These animals, like any in the history of domestication, breach boundaries, crossing wild and domestic categories, in these cases at the moment and experience of being bitten. These moments draw our attention to the stakes involved in thinking about domestication.
...MoreArticle Anne E. C. McCants; Anya Zilberstein (2024) Introduction. The Journal of Interdisciplinary History (pp. 297-304).
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Neolithic Dairy Technology at the European-Anatolian Frontier: Implications of Archaeozoological Evidence from Ulucak Höyük, zmir, Turkey, ca. 7000--5700 cal. BC
Essay Review
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The Domestication of Animals and the Roots of the Anthropocene
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Tosi, Maurizio;
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