Forshaw, Peter J. (Author)
This is the 1st volume in a 4-volume work entitled The Mage’s Images. The work provides the first in-depth examination of the life and works of Heinrich Khunrath (1560-1605), ‘one of the great Hermetic philosophers’, whose Amphitheatre of Eternal Wisdom (1595/1609) has been described as ‘one of the most important books in the whole literature of theosophical alchemy and the occult sciences’. Khunrath is best known for his novel combination of ‘scripture and picture’ in the complex engravings in his Amphitheatre. In this richly illustrated monograph, Forshaw analyses occult symbolism, with previously unpublished material, offering insight into Khunrath’s insistence on the necessary combination of alchemy, magic, and cabala in ‘Oratory and Laboratory’.
...MoreBook Peter J. Forshaw (2024) The Mage's Images: Heinrich Khunrath in His Oratory and Laboratory, Volume 2: Theosopher & Christian Cabalist.
Peter J. Forshaw;
The Mage's Images: Heinrich Khunrath in His Oratory and Laboratory, Volume 2: Theosopher & Christian Cabalist
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Essay Review
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