Book ID: CBB767010272

Maps and travel in the Middle Ages and the early modern period. Knowledge, imagination, and visual culture (2019)


Baumgärtner, Ingrid (Editor)
Kogman-Appel, Katrin (Editor)
Debby, Nirit Ben-Aryeh (Editor)

de Gruyter
Publication date: 2019
Language: English

Publication Date: 2019
Physical Details: ix, 412

The volume discusses the world as it was known in the Medieval and Early Modern periods, focusing on projects concerned with mapping as a conceptual and artistic practice, with visual representations of space, and with destinations of real and fictive travel. Maps were often taken as straightforward, objective configurations. However, they expose deeply subjective frameworks with social, political, and economic significance. Travel narratives, whether illustrated or not, can address similar frameworks. Whereas travelled space is often adventurous, and speaking of hardship, strange encounters and danger, city portraits tell a tale of civilized life and civic pride. The book seeks to address the multiple ways in which maps and travel literature conceive of the world, communicate a 'Weltbild', depict space, and/or define knowledge. The volume challenges academic boundaries in the study of cartography by exploring the links between mapmaking and artistic practices. The contributions discuss individual mapmakers, authors of travelogues, mapmaking as an artistic practice, the relationship between travel literature and mapmaking, illustration in travel literature, and imagination in depictions of newly explored worlds.

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Authors & Contributors
Bischoff, Michael
Angelov, Dimiter
Batsaki, Yota
Bazzaz, Sahar
Brincken, Anna-Dorothee von den
Camino, Mercedes Maroto
Caert-Thresoor: Tijdschrift voor de geschiedenis van de kartografie in Nederland
Historical Research: The Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research
Journal of Early Modern History
Science in Context
Cambridge University Press
Cornell University Press
Maps; atlases
Travel; exploration
Science and culture
Travel literature
Campe, Joachim Heinrich
Cook, James
Parkinson, Sydney
Roger of Howden
Thévenot, Melchissédech
Waldseemüller, Martin
Time Periods
Early modern
17th century
18th century
16th century
Nile River
East Africa

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