Article ID: CBB766957111

Teaching in a Swimming Pool: The Ford Nuclear Reactor and the Training of the Atomic Age (2021)


Munns, David P. D. (Author)

Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences
Volume: 51
Issue: 2
Pages: 232-268
Publication date: 2021
Language: English

In the 1950s, American public universities began training a vast new cadre of nuclear engineers, technicians, and scientists in specially designed and built “teaching reactors.” As this article describes, a generation of nuclear engineering undergraduates and graduate students were exposed to an open, accessible, and above all, visible demonstration of nuclear energy through educational “swimming pool”–style reactors. Distinct from reactors for either weapons or power production, the swimming pool reactor was specifically configured to be a pedagogical tool. Educational programs were created around federally and industrially sponsored reactors for training, part of the massive Cold War era transformations of Midwestern, Western, and Southern public colleges and universities. This article offers the Ford Nuclear Reactor at the University of Michigan as an example of how the peaceful pedagogical atom developed after the 1950s. As I argue, teaching reactors were one product of the conservative compact made between government, public universities, and private industry in the early 1950s that underpinned the famed Atoms for Peace movement, with its technology and information sharing and international training priorities. Indeed, teaching reactors resolved for Eisenhower’s administration the tension between a desire for centralized control of the atom and the powerful vision of a future of prosperity brought about by open education and use of nuclear materials. This paper is part of a special issue entitled “Revealing the Michigan Memorial–Phoenix Project.”

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Authors & Contributors
Munns, David P. D.
Johnston, Sean F.
Suárez-Díaz, Edna
Martin, Joseph D.
Mateos, Gisela
Boyle, Alison
Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences
Centaurus: International Magazine of the History of Mathematics, Science, and Technology
History and Technology
Business and Economic History On-Line
Cold War History
Historia Scientiarum: International Journal of the History of Science Society of Japan
Taylor & Francis
Johns Hopkins University Press
Washington State University Press
University of the Pacific
Nuclear power; atomic energy
Nuclear reactors
Atomic, nuclear, and particle physics
Nuclear industry
Technology and government
Engineering, nuclear
Hinton, Christopher, Lord
Time Periods
20th century, late
20th century
21st century
United States
Great Britain
Michigan (U.S.)
Berlin (Germany)
University of Michigan
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
United States. Atomic Energy Commission
CENTO Nuclear Institute
Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (SCK CEN)

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