Rodrigo Trevisan Braga (Author)
Este artigo evidencia a importância de se aprofundar no estudo e na análise de patentes para compreender, à luz da História da Ciência, o desenvolvimento técnico-científico que propiciou a criação de duas metodologias de gravação de sons e sinais – a mecânica e a eletromagnética – no final do século XIX e início do século XX. Tecnologias que foram, e ainda são, essenciais para preservar registros históricos e manifestações culturais. [English translation by This article highlights the importance of delving deeper into the study and analysis of patents in order to understand, in the light of the History of Science, the technical-scientific development that led to the creation of two methodologies for recording sounds and signals - mechanical and electromagnetic - in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. These technologies were, and still are, essential for preserving historical records and cultural manifestations.]
Viktoria Tkaczyk;
Early Sound Archiving and the Making of Scientific Resources
Wills, Ian;
Instrumentalizing Failure: Edison's Invention of the Carbon Microphone
Freeberg, Ernest;
The Age of Edison: Electric Light and the Invention of Modern America
Böhnke, Michael;
Machura, Stefan;
Young Tom Edison---Edison, the Man: Biopic of the Dynamic Entrepreneur
Essig, Mark Regan;
Edison and the Electric Chair: A Story of Light and Death
Radick, Gregory;
R. L. Garner and the Rise of the Edison Phonograph in Evolutionary Philology
Davis, L. J.;
Fleet Fire: Thomas Edison and the Pioneers of the Electric Revolution
Ian Wills;
Thomas Edison: Success and Innovation through Failure
Collins, Theresa M.;
Gitelman, Lisa;
Thomas Edison and Modern America: A Brief History with Documents
Stross, Randall E.;
The Wizard of Menlo Park: How Thomas Alva Edison Invented the Modern World
Thorndahl, Jytte;
Edison og det elektriske system
Dalzell, Frederick;
Engineering Invention: Frank J. Sprague and the U.S. Electrical Industry
Feaster, Patrick;
“The Following Record”: Making Sense of Phonographic Performance, 1877--1908
Kelleher, Kevin Daniel;
The Contributions of Thomas Alva Edison to Music Education
Arapostathis, Stathis;
Gooday, Graeme;
Electrical Technoscience and Physics in Transition, 1880--1920
Pascual Santos López;
Calendarios, relojes y un cajero automático. Cinco patentes en la región de Murcia y dos aplicaciones de publicidad (1887-1928)
MacLeod, Christine;
Reluctant Entrepreneurs: Patents and State Patronage in New Technosciences, circa 1870--1930
Lichocka, Halina;
Ignacy Mościcki
Arapostathis, Stathis;
Meters, Patents and Expertise(s): Knowledge Networks in the Electricity Meters Industry, 1880--1914
Miller, David Philip;
The Paradoxes of Patenting at General Electric: Isador Ladoff's Journey from Siberian Exile to the Heart of Corporate Capitalism
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