Katy Connor (Author)
Maria Fannin (Author)
Kent, Julie (Author)
Ashley Toye (Author)
This paper reflects on collaboration between an artist, a scientist, and two social scientists involved in research on cultured red blood cells. Cell culture is part of a suite of methods used by bioscientists to study cellular processes outside of the living organism. The production of laboratory-grown blood is at the cutting-edge of cell culture and regenerative medicine, with hopes for significant therapeutic benefit in the future, particularly for patients with rare blood types or with conditions that require frequent blood transfusions. We reflect on our collaboration and on artistic experimentation with spatial dimensions of cells and scaffolds used in red blood cell culture, highlighting our efforts to generate knowledge that cuts across our respective disciplinary locations. We situate our work together in the context of the increasing molecularization of the body in science and medicine, and on the efforts to ‘open up’ scientific practice to multiple publics.
María Jesús Santesmases;
The Bacterial Cell Wall in the Antibiotic Era: An Ontology in Transit Between Morphology and Metabolism, 1940s–1960s
Landecker, Hannah;
New Times for Biology: Nerve Cultures and the Advent of Cellular Life in Vitro
Bachhiesl, Christian;
Blutspuren. Zur Bedeutung des Blutes in der Kriminalwissenschaft um 1900
Thaddeus Sunseri;
Blood Trials: Transfusions, Injections, and Experiments in Africa, 1890–1920: Table 1
Paolo Mario Cattorini;
Narrative bioethics and film. Some historical remarks
Squier, Susan;
Marks, J. Ryan;
Introduction: Graphic Medicine
Edwards, Paul N.;
Mayernik, Matthew S.;
Batcheller, Archer L.;
Bowker, Geoffrey C.;
Borgman, Christine L.;
(October 2011)
Science friction: Data, metadata, and collaboration
Staffan Muller-Wille;
Christina Brandt;
Heredity Explored: Between Public Domain and Experimental Science, 1850-1930
Lodovica Braida;
Silvia Tatti;
Il libro. Editoria e pratiche di lettura nel Settecento
Brianne Suldovsky;
Bridie McGreavy;
Laura Lindenfeld;
(August 2018)
Evaluating Epistemic Commitments and Science Communication Practice in Transdisciplinary Research
Jenny Rock;
Mark McGuire;
Alexandra Rogers;
Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Co-creation
Kruse, Corinna;
(October 2013)
The Bayesian approach to forensic evidence: Evaluating, communicating, and distributing responsibility
John Potts;
Nigel Helyer;
Science Meets Art
Gita Chadha;
Renny Thomas;
Mapping Scientific Method: Disciplinary Narrations
Catherine Kendig;
Integrating History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences in Practice to Enhance Science Education: Swammerdam’s Historia Insectorum Generalis and the Case of the Water Flea
Dario Generali;
Ex ovo omnia. Parassitologia e origine delle epidemie nelle ricerche e nell'opera di Antonio Vallisneri
Caterina Schürch;
Glückliche Fügung: Experiments’ Potential to Integrate Disciplines
Zhan, Mei;
The Empirical as Conceptual: Transdisciplinary Engagements with an “Experiential Medicine”
Mary Ellen Bowden;
Dee Ann Castel;
Note: A modern scientific interpretation of Joseph Priestley's discovery of CO
Cornelis J. (Kees-Jan) Schilt;
To Improve upon Hints of Things
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