Radomski, Bartosz Michał (Author)
Šešelja, Dunja (Author)
Naumann, Kim (Author)
The history of the research on peptic ulcer disease (PUD) is characterized by a premature abandonment of the bacterial hypothesis, which subsequently had its comeback, leading to the discovery of Helicobacter pylori—the major cause of the disease. In this paper we examine the received view on this case, according to which the primary reason for the abandonment of the bacterial hypothesis in the mid-twentieth century was a large-scale study by a prominent gastroenterologist Palmer, which suggested no bacteria could be found in the human stomach. To this end, we employ the method of digital textual analysis and study the literature on the etiology of PUD published in the decade prior to Palmer’s article. Our findings suggest that the bacterial hypothesis had already been abandoned before the publication of Palmer’s paper, which challenges the widely held view that his study played a crucial role in the development of this episode. In view of this result, we argue that the PUD case does not illustrate harmful effects of a high degree of information flow, as it has frequently been claimed in the literature on network epistemology. Moreover, we argue that alternative examples of harmful effects of a high degree of information flow may be hard to find in the history of science.
Carter, K. Codell;
Edwin Klebs's Grundversuche
Gradmann, Christoph;
Alles eine Frage der Methode: Zur Historizität der Kochschen Postulate, 1840--2000
Pollock, Alexander Chapman;
(cited 2014)
From Dyspepsia to Helicobacter: A History of Peptic Ulcer Disease
Lena Zuchowski;
Modelling and knowledge transfer in complexity science
Jamie Shaw;
The Problem of the Empirical Basis in the Popperian Tradition: Popper, Bartley, and Feyerabend
Jan Vrhovski;
On Infinitesimals and Indefinitely Cut Wooden Sticks: A Chinese Debate on ‘Mathematical Logic’ and Russell’s Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy from 1925
Martin, Brian;
How to Attack a Scientific Theory and Get Away with It (Usually): The Attempt to Destroy an Origin-of-AIDS Hypothesis
Casper, Stephen T.;
Trust, Protocol, Gender, and Power in Interwar British Biomedical Research: Kathleen Chevassut and the “Germ” of Multiple Sclerosis
Jasen, Patricia;
Breast Cancer and the Language of Risk, 1750-1950
Schmidt, Josef M.;
Samuel Hahnemann und das Ähnlichkeitsprinzip
Antonio Piccolomini d'Aragona;
La controversia sulla Lehre di Semmelweis: Un case-study in sociologia delle controversie scientifiche
Hamlin, Christopher;
Bacteriology as a Cultural System: Analysis and Its Discontents
Florent Serina;
C. G. Jung En France: Rencontres, Passions Et Controverses
Maurits Bastiaan Meerwijk;
Viral Imagery of Dengue Fever in the Age of Bacteriology
Wall, Rosemary;
Bacteria in Britain, 1880--1939
Hooker, Claire;
Bashford, Alison;
Diphtheria and Australian Public Health: Bacteriology and Its Complex Applications, c. 1890-1930
Alcalá Ferráez, Carlos;
De miasmas a mosquitos: el pensamiento médico sobre la fiebre amarilla en Yucatán, 1890--1920
Chastel, Claude;
Le centenaire de la découverte du vibrion d'El Tor (1905) ou les débuts incertains de la septième pandémie du choléra
Youssef, David Matthew;
The Sanitized City and Other Urban Myths: Fantasies of Risk and Illness in the Twentieth Century Metropolis
Miguel García-Valdecasas;
Terrence W. Deacon;
Biological functions are causes, not effects: A critique of selected effects theories
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