Mario Biagioni (Author)
In the Early Modern period, mystical ecstasy was not the only religious experience that could cause physical suffering. Also a rational search for religious truth caused psychological disturbances with physical consequences, as evidenced especially by the cases of Francesco Spiera and Christian Francken. The former, a lawyer in Cittadella (near Padua), let himself suffer and die (1548), because he had abjured the reformed faith and was therefore certain he was condemned to eternal damnation. The latter, a former Jesuit then a Socinian, was haunted by guilt all his life and moved from one religion to another, with deep depression, despair, and suicide attempts. His behavior seems to have been conditioned by an obsessive-compulsive disorder, with masochistic developments. In the end, he returned to Italy, where he was sentenced to life imprisonment (1601). He found serenity only in the prisons of the Holy Office in Rome, denying everything he had rationally believed in.
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