Connor, Jennifer J. (Author)
In contemporaneous and retrospective publications, British physician Donald McI. Johnson wrote about medical cases in 1928–29 for the organization founded by Wilfred Grenfell in Newfoundland and Labrador. The availability of one physician’s cases in published and institutional forms allows consideration of discursive representations of patients for general and clinical readers in the two decades of Johnson’s writing. This study places these cases within the context of Johnson’s medical background and his escape to rural practice in a remote locale, one that emphasized emergency operations in Labrador and hospital care in the organization’s main hospital in St. Anthony. In this way, it broadens knowledge of medical care provided by visiting physicians and considers ways in which such physicians represented local patients in publications for the general reader. Although it determines that Johnson was unique, it indicates the value of the fuller study of publications by other physicians associated with the Grenfell organization.
...MoreArticle Jennifer J. Connor (2021) Introduction—Case by Case: Private and Public Representations of Patients in the Grenfell Mission in Newfoundland and Labrador in the Early 20th Century. Canadian Bulletin of Medical History/Bulletin Canadienne d'Histoire de la Medecine (pp. 340-371).
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