Israel, Jonathan Irvine (Author)
The Amsterdam theater society Nil Volentibus Arduum, which was founded in 1669 and remained active for some years, was not just a circle meeting regularly to discuss theater theory and practice, but was devoted to discussion of all the arts as well as language theory in relation to society. As far as the Amsterdam theater was concerned, its main purpose was to try to raise the level and provide more of a moral and socially improving direction to the stage. Arguably, also, it had a certain impact on discussion and theorizing about late Dutch Golden Age painting. Two of its most active members, Lodewijk Meyer and Johannes Bouwmeester, were among the closest friends and allies of Spinoza. Opponents and detractors of the society took to associating it in the public mind with the “atheist” Spinoza. This article seeks to understand the theoretical concerns of the society and assess its relationship to its broader Dutch context and to Spinoza and Spinozism.
Bordoli, Roberto;
Etica, arte, scienza tra Descartes e Spinoza: Lodewijk Meyer (1629-1681) e l'associazione Nil Volentibus Arduum
Darryl Cressman;
Building Musical Culture in Nineteenth-Century Amsterdam: The Concertgebouw
Theo de Jong;
Huib Zuidervaart;
‘Philosophus et Mathematicus Incomparabilis’: Johannes Hudde (1628–1704), de Verlichte burgemeester van Amsterdam
Margócsy, Dániel;
Commercial Visions: Science, Trade, and Visual Culture in the Dutch Golden Age
Gill, Russell B.;
The Intuitive Geometry of Spinoza and Vermeer
Buisman, J. W.;
Verlichting in Nederland 1650--1850: vrede tussen rede en religie?
O'Malley, Therese;
Meyers, Amy R. W.;
The Art of Natural History: Illustrated Treatises and Botanical Paintings, 1400--1850
Dekker, Elly;
Die astronomischen Deckengemälde des Benediktinerstifts St. Paul im Lavanttal
Phaf-Rheinberger, Ineke;
Science and Art in the “Dutch Period” in Northeast Brazil: The Representation of Cannibals and Africans as Allies Overseas
Mandrella, David;
Les représentations de l'ivresse dans la peinture hollandaise du XVIIe siècle
Zuidervaart, Huib J.;
Rijks, Marlise;
“Most rare workmen”: Optical Practitioners in Early Seventeenth-Century Delft
Elisabeth Berry Drago;
Thomas Wijck's Painted Alchemists at the Intersection of Art, Science, and Practice
Corbett, Jane Paisley Russell;
Painted Science: Convention and Change in Seventeenth-Century Netherlandish Paintings of Alchemists, Physicians and Astronomers
Katherine Schaap Williams;
Unfixable forms : Disability, performance, and the early modern English theater
Sonya Freeman Loftis;
Shakespeare and disability studies
Cecilia Rosengren;
The wilderness of Allaert van Everdingen – experience and representation of the north in the age of the baroque
Christy Anderson;
Anne Dunlop;
Pamela H. Smith;
The Matter of Art. Materials, Practices, Cultural Logics, c. 1250-1750
Pyenson, Lewis;
The Enlightened Image of Nature in the Dutch East Indies: Consequences of Postmodernist Doctrine for Broad Structures and Intimate Life
Frank Fehrenbach;
Cut Flowers
Jorink, Eric;
Ramakers, Bart;
Art and Science in the Early Modern Netherlands
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