Muigai, Wangui (Author)
Set in rural Georgia, the 1953 health film All My Babies: A Midwife’s Own Story was a government-sponsored project intended as a training tool for midwives. The film was unique to feature a black midwife and a live birth at a time when southern health officials blamed midwives for the region’s infant mortality rates. Produced by the young filmmaker George Stoney, All My Babies was praised for its educational value and, as this article demonstrates, was a popular feature in postwar medical education. Yet as it drew acclaim, the film also sparked debates within and beyond medical settings concerning its portrayal of midwifery, birth, and health care for African Americans. In tracing the controversies over the film’s messages and representations, this article argues that All My Babies exemplified the power and limits of health films to address the complexities of race and health during an era of Jim Crow segregation.
Segrest, Mab;
Exalted on the Ward: “Mary Roberts,” the Georgia State Sanitarium, and the Psychiatric “Speciality” of Race
Eileen J. B. Thrower;
Blazing Trails for Midwifery Care: Oral Histories of Georgia's Pioneer Nurse-Midwives
Mab Segrest;
Administrations of Lunacy: Racism and the Haunting of American Psychiatry at the Milledgeville Asylum
Jenny M. Luke;
Delivered by Midwives: African American Midwifery in the Twentieth-Century South
Yulonda Eadie Sano;
“Protect the Mother and Baby”: Mississippi Lay Midwives and Public Health
Ellen C. Scott;
Cinema Civil Rights: Regulation, Repression, and Race in the Classical Hollywood Era
Anthony Ryan Hatch;
Blood Sugar: Racial Pharmacology and Food Justice in Black America
McBride, David;
Missions for Science: U. S. Technology and Medicine in America's African World
Farber, Paul Lawrence;
Mixing Races: From Scientific Racism to Modern Evolutionary Ideas
Dennis A. Doyle;
Psychiatry and Racial Liberalism in Harlem, 1936-1968
Holloway, Karla F. C.;
Private Bodies, Public Texts: Race, Gender, and a Cultural Bioethics
Summers, Martin;
“Suitable Care of the African When Afflicted With Insanity”: Race, Madness, and Social Order in Comparative Perspective
Wailoo, Keith;
How Cancer Crossed the Color Line
Johnson, Lenworth N.;
Daniels, O. C. Bobby;
Breaking the Color Line in Medicine: African Americans in Ophthalmology
Ridlon, Florence;
A Black Physician's Struggle for Civil Rights: Edward C. Mazique, M.D.
Claudia Jeanne Ford;
Weed Women, All Night Vigils, and the Secret Life of Plants: Negotiated Epistemologies of Ethnogynecological Plant Knowledge in American History
Patrick Ellis;
A Cinema for the Unborn: Moving Pictures, Mental pictures and Electra Sparks's New Thought Film Theory
Caitjan Gainty;
‘Items for Criticism (Not in Sequence)’: Joseph DeLee, Pare Lorentz and The Fight for Life (1940)
Allyson Nadia Field;
Uplift Cinema: The Emergence of African American Film and the Possibility of Black Modernity
Nelson, Alondra;
Body and Soul: The Black Panther Party and the Fight against Medical Discrimination
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