Prince, Alexandra (Author)
Rembis, Michael Allen (Advisor)
This dissertation is a cultural history of the co-identification of religion and insanity over the long nineteenth century. It examines how the medical and popular label of insanity or “religious insanity” was deployed to impugn, subvert and slate for imprisonment and institutionalization diverse new American religious identities. Furthermore, it analyzes how the insanity label functioned to forward and undergird a constellation of gendered and racial presumptions. The project moves chronologically from considerations of early 19th century white evangelical revivalism, Second Adventism (Millerism) and Spiritualism to later nineteenth century examinations including post-Emancipation African American millenarian movements, Pentecostalism and Christian Science. Mad-labeled new religious individuals and groups actively contended with pathologized interpretations of their faith as a means of defending themselves from the cultural implications of madness. This work demonstrates how debates over religious insanity constituted a complex cultural reckoning regarding the diversity of expressions and interpretations within American religious life.
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Exalted on the Ward: “Mary Roberts,” the Georgia State Sanitarium, and the Psychiatric “Speciality” of Race
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Voyage en terres bipolaires: manie et dépression dans la culture américaine
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’17, ’18, ’19: religion and science in three pandemics, 1817, 1918, and 2019
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Madness in Cold War America
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Disease Is Unrhythmical: Jazz, Health, and Disability in 1920s America
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Introduction: Mental Health and Illness in American Culture
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Protecting Mental Health in the Age of Anxiety: The Context of Valium's Development, Synthesis, and Discovery in the United States, to 1963
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Aboriginal People in Western Australian Mental Hospitals, 1903–1966
Slijkhuis, Jessica;
Oosterhuis, Harry;
“Paralysed with fears and worries”: Neurasthenia as a Gender-Specific Disease of Civilization
McCrae, Niall;
Resilience of Institutional Culture: Mental Nursing in a Decade of Radical Change
Stuart Anderson;
Travelers, Patent Medicines, and Pharmacopeias: American Pharmacy and British India, 1857 to 1931
Swedlund, Alan C.;
Shadows in the Valley: A Cultural History of Illness, Death, and Loss in New England, 1840--1916
Delia Gavrus;
"Making Bad Boys Good": Brain Surgery and the Juvenile Court in Progressive Era America
Cervetti, Nancy;
S. Weir Mitchell, 1829--1914: Philadelphia's Literary Physician
Haller, John S.;
Sectarian Reformers in American Medicine, 1800--1910
Sarah Terrail-Lormel;
De l’éreuthophobie au taijinkyōfushō : Circulation et élaboration d’un diagnostic psychiatrique entre Europe, États-Unis et Japon (décennies 1890-1930)
Hickman, Timothy Alton;
The Secret Leprosy of Modern Days: Narcotic Addiction and Cultural Crisis in the United States, 1870--1920
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