Article ID: CBB728034779

"Saint Fedos". A biography of Feodosy Nikolaevich Krasovsky (1878-1948) (2018)


Sheynin, Oscar B. (Author)

Volume: 9
Issue: 1
Pages: 19-30
Publication date: 2018
Language: English

The title of this paper was the nickname of a talented geodesist, Feodosy Nikolaevich Krasovsky (1878 – 1948) which his students awarded him for his scientific work. He transformed and to a large extent created Soviet geodesy and assisted in the development of this science abroad. Krasovsky created a school and, until his death, remained its recognized leader. Thus, he developed a harmonious programme and scheme of the main triangulation of a large country and a rigorous method of its mathematical treatment. Together with his former student, the younger great scientist Mikhail Sergeevich Molodensky (1909 – 1991), Krasovsky (just as eminent foreign scholars as well) emphasized the need for applying gravimetry in studies of the figure of the Earth. The parameters of the Krasovsky ellipsoid, a = 6 378 245m, α = (a – b)/a = 1/298.3 which Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Izotov calculated under Krasovsky’s guidance, had been the best possible for that time. During the last years of his life, Krasovsky studied the problems of physical geodesy and its connections with geophysics and geology. I have graduated from the Moscow Geodetic Institute in 1951 as an astronomer geodesist, and Victor Vasilievich Danilov, whose essay on Krasovsky I am quoting below, was the supervisor, or mentor of my diploma. During my student years, Feodosy Nikolaevich Krasovsky did not read lectures anymore, but his name had been on the lips of our instructors.

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Authors & Contributors
Young, Davis A.
Dale, T. Nelson
Donovan, Stephen K.
Golvers, Noël
Gozalo Gutiérrez, Rodolfo
Guly, Henry
Earth Sciences History: Journal of the History of the Earth Sciences Society
Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences
Geological Society of America Memoirs
Journal of Medical Biography
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
VIET: Voprosy Istorii Estestvoznaniia i Tekhniki
Cambridge University Press
Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences
Académie des Sciences
University of Minnesota Press
Earth sciences
Scientific expeditions
Abbadie, Antoine d'
Agassiz, Alexander
Bolotov, Aleksei Pavlovich
DeGolyer, Everette
Foucault, Jean Bernard Léon
Hill, Robert Thomas
Time Periods
19th century
20th century, early
20th century
17th century
18th century
United States
Minnesota (U.S.)
Baltic States
Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
France. Bureau des Longitudes
Geological Society of America
Jesuits (Society of Jesus)
Accademia Nazionale Virgiliana

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