Gidney, Catherine (Author)
In light of a growing obesity crisis among children and concern about junk food in schools, this article investigates the attempt by food and beverage companies to gain entry into Canadian schools. Focusing in particular on the introduction of fast-food franchises in cafeterias and on school boards’ secret exclusivity deals with soft drink manufacturers in the 1990s, it examines how and why this process occurred, public reactions to it, and government responses. Placing this phenomenon within a larger pattern of commercialization in North American schools, it argues that long-lasting reforms require government intervention and enforcement.
Pucciarelli, Deanna L.;
The Medicinal Use of Chocolate: Past, Present and Future (1776--2007)
Mosby, Ian;
Food Will Win the War: The Politics, Culture, and Science of Food on Canada's Home Front
Dawes, Laura;
Childhood Obesity in America: Biography of an Epidemic
Cecilia Rustoyburu;
Infancia, género y medicina. Un análisis histórico de los discursos endocrinológicos sobre el síndrome adiposo genital en Buenos Aires y Barcelona
Nan Zhou;
Understanding Parenting and Young Chinese Children's Risk for Obesity in the U.S.
Foxcroft, Louise;
Calories and Corsets: A History of Dieting over 2000 Years
Karen Throsby;
Sugar rush: Science, politics and the demonisation of fatness
Knigh, Christine;
“Most People Are Simply Not Designed to Eat Pasta”: Evolutionary Explanations for Obesity in the Low-Carbohydrate Diet Movement
Thoms, Ulrike;
Between Promise and Threat
Gilman, Sander L.;
Epidemics of Famine and Obesity: China as the Modern World
Wendy Mitchinson;
Fighting Fat: Canada, 1920-1980
John Cranfield;
Kris Inwood;
Andrew Ross;
Before the Obesity Epidemic: The Body Mass Index of Canadians in the First and Second World Wars
Ellison, Jenny;
Weighing In: The “Evidence of Experience” and Canadian Fat Women's Activism
González, Elisa M.;
Nurturing the Citizens of the Future: Milk Stations and Child Nutrition in Puerto Rico, 1929--60
Curtis, Stephan M.;
Nutrition and Scarlet Fever Mortality during the Epidemics of 1860--90: The Sundsvall Region
Thorley, Virginia;
Australian School Milk Schemes to 1974: For the Benefit of Whom?
Cossins, Anne;
The Baby Farmers: A Chilling Tale of Missing Babies, Shameful Secrets and Murder in 19th Century Australia
Cristiana Loureiro de Mendonça Couto;
The Chemistry of Diet: Medicine, Nutrition, and Staple Foods in Imperial Brazil
Mol, Annemarie;
(June 2013)
Mind your plate! The ontonorms of Dutch dieting
Corinna Treitel;
Nutritional Modernity: The German Case
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