Luiz Carlos Soares (Author)
The dissemination of the mechanical and Newtonian experimental philosophy in 18th-century England arose fascination in relation to the possible application of this new knowledge to the needs of productive life and the general welfare of the population. The activity of many independent and/or itinerant lecturers proved to be fundamental to spread the Newtonian philosophy and allow for the emergence of an ideal of applied science. In the present paper I discuss the intellectual trajectory of John Theophilus Desaguliers (1683-1744), who was the curator, or ‘official experimenter’, of the Royal Society of London and became a pioneer in the spreading of Newtonianism, as well as one of the most important and most respected independent lecturers on mechanical and experimental philosophy in the first half of the 18th century.
Ducheyne, Steffen;
The Times and Life of John Th. Desaguliers (1683--1744): Newtonian and Freemason
Franco Giudice;
Il mondo in un'altra luce. Saggi newtoniani
Hoskin, Michael;
Gravity and Light in the Newtonian Universe of Stars
Fisher, John;
Conjectures and Reputations: The Composition and Reception of James Bradley's Paper on the Aberration of Light with Some Reference to a Third Unpublished Version
Baillon, Jean-François;
Early Eighteenth-Century Newtonianism: The Huguenot Contribution
Carpenter, Audrey T.;
John Theophilus Desaguliers: A Natural Philosopher, Engineer and Freemason in Newtonian England
John Henry;
Steffen Ducheyne;
Letter to the Editor
Hoon, Jun Yong;
A Korean Reading of Newtonian Mechanics in the Nineteenth Century
Korolev, Alexandre;
Indeterminism, Asymptotic Reasoning, and Time Irreversibility in Classical Physics
Pulte, Helmut;
Axiomatik und Empirie: Eine wissenschaftstheoriegeschichtliche Untersuchung zur Mathematischen Naturphilosophie von Newton bis Neumann
Massimi, Michela;
Kant's Dynamical Theory of Matter in 1755, and Its Debt to Speculative Newtonian Experimentalism
J. B. Shank;
Before Voltaire: The French Origins of “Newtonian” Mechanics, 1680-1715
Garcia, Sarah;
Hankins, April;
Sadaghiani, Homeyra;
The Impact of the History of Physics on Student Attitude and Conceptual Understanding of Physics
Maltese, Giulio;
On the Changing Fortune of the Newtonian Tradition in Mechanics
Daniele Macuglia;
Newtonianism and Information Control in Rome at the Wake of the Eighteenth Century
Niccolò Guicciardini;
Isaac Newton: Filosofo della Natura, interprete della Scrittura, cronologo degli Antichi Regni
Maria Rita Fadda;
Lingua e scienza nel secolo delle cose: Il Newtonianismo per le dame di Francesco Algarotti
Book Boran, Elizabethanne; Feingold, Mordechai; Reading Newton in Early Modern Europe (/p/isis/citation/CBB477967920/)
Jung, Tobias;
Albert Einstein: Revolutionär oder “Bewahrer des Alten”?
Elizabethanne Boran;
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