Davis, A. E. L. (Editor)
Field, Judith Veronica (Editor)
Mahoney, T. J. (Editor)
This volume provides a wide-ranging introduction to Kepler’s work, with essays on his religion, his cosmological theories, his work in astronomy, astrology, optics and mathematics and his interactions with Tycho Brahe and Galileo Galilei.Kepler is a major figure in the history of science. His laws of planetary motion overthrew a tradition, going back as far as the ancient Greeks, of constructing the paths of planets by combinations of circles; and the derivation of the laws was revolutionary in the way it relied upon detailed agreement with observations. Moreover, the laws explicitly relate the motion and path of each planet to the Sun. Thus, when the tables that Kepler based upon the laws proved to be highly reliable over many decades, this played a crucial part in making heliocentrism acceptable. And many years after Kepler’s death the laws themselves played an important part in Newton’s derivation of the inverse square law of gravitation in his Principia (1687). In this respect, Kepler can look ‘modern’. But his work is grounded in his religious belief that the Universe is the visible expression of the nature of the God who created it.This book, whose chapters are written by leading scholars, is primarily addressed to undergraduate and graduate students of science and the history of science but will also appeal to the general reader with an interest in the history of science.
Jonathan Regier;
A Perfect Knowledge is a Finite World
Methuen, Charlotte;
On the Threshold of a New Age: Expanding Horizons as the Broader Context of Biblical Interpretation
Boner, Patrick;
Kepler's Cosmological Synthesis: Astrology, Mechanism and the Soul
Jardine, Nick;
Kepler, God, and the Virtues of Copernican Hypotheses
Werner Diederich;
Der harmonische Aufbau der Welt: Keplers wissenschaftliches und spekulatives Werk
Barker, Peter;
Goldstein, Bernard R.;
Theological Foundations of Kepler's Astronomy
Bucciantini, Massimo;
Galileo e Keplero: filosofia, cosmologia e teologia nell'Età della Controriforma
Katrin Bauer;
How to Imagine the Harmony of the World in the Seventeenth Century: The Harmonice mundi by Johannes Kepler
Stefano Gattei;
The Phoenix and the Architect: The Frontispiece of Kepler's "Tabulae Rudolphinae"
Pietro Daniel Omodeo;
Riflessioni sul moto terrestre nel Rinascimento: tra filosofia naturale, meccanica e cosmologia
Patricia Radelet-de-Grave;
La chute des corps, le mouvement des corps célestes et l'unification des mondes
Goddu, André;
Ptolemy, Copernicus, and Kepler on Linear Distances
McMullin, Ernan;
Kepler: Moving the Earth
Christopher M. Graney;
The Starry Universe of Johannes Kepler
Granada, Miguel A.;
Novelties in the Heavens between 1572 and 1604 and Kepler's Unified View of Nature
Barker, Peter;
Kepler and Melanchthon on the Biblical Arguments against Copernicanism
Michael Mendillo;
Saints and Sinners in the Sky: Astronomy, Religion and Art in Western Culture
Michel-Pierre Lerner;
De Copernic à Galilée: brève histoire d'une condamnation
Barker, Peter;
Goldstein, Bernard R.;
Theological Foundations of Kepler's Astronomy
Essay Review
Andrea Gualandi;
Nuove stelle, scienza e società alla vigilia della Guerra dei Trent'anni
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