Mitch Goldsmith (Author)
Dolgert, Stefan (Advisor)
The project takes seriously Dr Anna Kingsford’s (1846-1888) claim that vivisection is a type of sorcery and science, a type of occult or spiritual undertaking believing that the assertion, which gained currency during the 19th–century antivivisection movement and is now overlooked, is yet unfinished and therefore a potentially powerful figuration for current antivivisectionists. To that end, the dissertation provides a critical and intersectional reading of the 19th-century British and European antivivisection movement, the fin de siècle occult revival, and Kingsford’s role in each, often working to bring these worlds together. This historical analysis includes an examination of Victorian attitudes to the period’s changing understanding of gender, species, race, and science. Building on this historical foundation, the dissertation will provide a theoretical discussion of Kingsford’s contemporary resonances with emerging disciplines in the environmental and posthumanities, including critical animal studies, material feminism, feminist posthumanism, and science and technology studies. Many theorists in these fields are interested in reappraising the roles of affect, enchantment, mysticism, and wonder in ethical thinking and human-animal-environmental relations. This project builds on these historical and theoretical insights by providing an “enchanted” analysis of the contemporary laboratory space, experiments on animals, and a reading of three case studies of ongoing animal experimentation paradigms (i.e., maternal deprivation, learned helplessness, and the organizational-activational hypothesis of homosexuality) which I argue lend themselves to a Kingsford-inspired analysis. Furthermore, this project articulates a novel “enchanted animal ethic” involving a feminist and neo-Spinozist articulation of human-animal and environmental ethics that makes space for mystical, non-secular modes of meaning-making, care-centered multispecies community building, and social and political movements. Finally, the project and an enchanted understanding of animal ethics will be useful to interdisciplinary scholars and advocates seeking a paradigm change in the sciences away from experiments on animals and towards a more humane and efficacious science as well as more egalitarian and meaningful relationships with animals and the more-than-human world.
Carvalho, André Luis de Lima;
Waizbort, Ricardo;
A dor além dos confins do homem: aproximações preliminares ao debate entre Frances Power Cobbe e os darwinistas a respeito da vivissecção na Inglaterra vitoriana (1863--1904)
Pierre-Luc Germain;
Luca Chiapperino;
Giuseppe Testa;
The European politics of animal experimentation: From Victorian Britain to ‘Stop Vivisection’
Chakrabarti, Pratik;
Beasts of Burden: Animals and Laboratory Research in Colonial India
Machado, Carlos José Saldanha;
Filipecki, Ana Tereza Pinto;
Teixeira, Márcia de Oliveira;
Klein, Helena Espellet;
A regulação do uso de animais no Brasil do século XX e o processo de formação do atual regime aplicado à pesquisa biomédica
Lulka, David;
The Ethics of Extension: Philosophical Speculation on Nonhuman Animals
Lee, Jack;
How Should Animals Be Treated?
Finn, Michael A.;
Stark, James F.;
Medical Science and the Cruelty to Animals Act 1876: A Re-Examination of Anti-Vivisectionism in Provincial Britain
White, Paul S.;
The Experimental Animal in Victorian Britain
Boddice, Rob;
Vivisecting Major: A Victorian Gentleman Scientist Defends Animal Experimentation, 1876--1885
Preece, Rod;
Darwinism, Christianity, and the Great Vivisection Debate
Guerrini, Anita;
Animal Experiments and Anitvivisection Debates in the 1820s
Shira Dina Shmuely;
The Bureaucracy of Empathy: Vivisection and the Question of Animal Pain in Britain, 1876-1912
Tarquin Holmes;
Science, sensitivity and the sociozoological scale: Constituting and complicating the human-animal boundary at the 1875 Royal Commission on Vivisection and beyond
Guerrini, Anita;
Experimenting with Humans and Animals: From Galen to Animal Rights
Rudacille, Deborah;
The Scalpel and the Butterfly: The Conflict Between Animal Research and Animal Protection
Maria Rosa Montinari;
La sperimentazione animale: dall'antichità al diciannovesimo secolo
Anita Guerrini;
Experimenting with Humans and Animals: From Aristotle to CRISPR
Pearson, Susan;
Speaking Bodies, Speaking Minds: Animals, Language, History
Beaufays, Joseph-Paul;
L'animal au service de l'homme?
Gernhardt, Matthias Michael;
Fleck, Christian;
Der Tierversuch: seine ethische Abwägung aus theologischer, philosophischer-historischer und medizinischer Sicht. Eine Bestandsaufnahme und Analyse
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