Mark Neuendorf (Author)
This book explores the ways which people navigated the emotions provoked by the mad in Britain across the long eighteenth century. Building upon recent advances in the historical study of emotions, it plots the evolution of attitudes towards insanity, and considers how shifting emotional norms influenced the development of a ‘humanitarian’ temperament, which drove the earliest movements for psychiatric reform in England and Scotland. Reacting to a ‘culture of sensibility’, which encouraged tears at the sight of tender suffering, early asylum reformers chose instead to express their humanity through unflinching resolve, charging into madhouses to contemplate scenes of misery usually hidden from public view, and confronting the authorities that enabled neglect to flourish. This intervention required careful emotional management, which is documented comprehensively here for the first time. Drawing upon a wide array of medical and literary sources, this book provides invaluable insights into pre-modern attitudes towards insanity.
Susan Broomhall;
Spaces for Feeling: Emotions and Sociabilities in Britain, 1650-1850
Fatih Artvinli;
‘Pinel of Istanbul’: Dr Luigi Mongeri (1815–82) and the birth of modern psychiatry in the Ottoman Empire
Lund, Mary Ann;
Melancholy, Medicine and Religion in Early Modern England: Reading “The Anatomy of Melancholy”
Chiang, Howard Hsueh-Hao;
Psychiatry and Chinese History
Sharlene D Walbaum;
The invisible woman: Susan Carnegie and Montrose Lunatic Asylum
Scull, Andrew;
The Peculiarities of the Scots? Scottish Influences on the Development of English Psychiatry, 1700--1980
Ben Harris;
The Snake Pit: Mixing Marx with Freud in Hollywood
Claire Hilton;
Improving Psychiatric Care for Older People: Barbara Robb’s Campaign 1965-1975
Boulton, Jeremy;
Black, John;
“Those, That Die by Reason of Their Madness”: Dying Insane in London, 1629--1830
Smith, Leonard;
A Gentleman's Mad-doctor in Georgian England: Edward Long Fox and Brislington House
Smith, Leonard;
Lunatic Hospitals in Georgian England, 1750--1830
Jansson, Åsa;
From Statistics to Diagnostics: Medical Certificates, Melancholia, and “Suicidal Propensities” in Victorian Psychiatry
Hock, Lisabeth;
Women and Melancholy in Nineteenth-Century German Psychiatry
Jonathan Andrews;
Chris Philo;
James Frame’s The Philosophy of Insanity (1860)
GE Berrios;
‘Brain Disorders’, by Henry Calderwood (1879)
Morag Allan Campbell;
‘Noisy, restless and incoherent’: puerperal insanity at Dundee Lunatic Asylum
Hutchison, Iain;
Institutionalization of Mentally-Impaired Children in Scotland, c.1855--1914
Davis, Gayle;
“The Cruel Madness of Love”: Sex, Syphilis and Psychiatry in Scotland, 1880--1930
Houston, R. A.;
Explanations for Death by Suicide in Northern Britain during the Long Eighteenth Century
Michael Brown;
Wounds and Wonder: Emotion, Imagination and War in the Cultures of Romantic Surgery
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