Creager, Angela N. H. (Editor)
Gaudillière, Jean-Paul (Editor)
Over the last century, the industrialization of agriculture and processing technologies have made food abundant and relatively inexpensive for much of the world's population. Simultaneously, pesticides, nitrates, and other technological innovations intended to improve the food supply's productivity and safety have generated new, often poorly understood risks for consumers and the environment. From the proliferation of synthetic additives to the threat posed by antibiotic-resistant bacteria, the chapters in Risk on the Table zero in on key historical cases in North America and Europe that illuminate the history of food safety, highlighting the powerful tensions that exists among scientific understandings of risk, policymakers' decisions, and cultural notions of "pure" food. (Publisher)
...MoreReview Jonathan Rees (July 2022) Review of "Risk on the table : Food production, health, and the environment". Technology and Culture (pp. 899-900).
Dunn, Elizabeth Cullen;
The Pasteurized State: Milk, Health and the Government of Risk
Hardy, Anne Irmgard;
Salmonella Infections, Networks of Knowledge, and Public Health in Britain, 1880--1975
Sarathchandra, Dilshani;
Ten Eyck, Toby A.;
To Tell the Truth: Keys in Newspaper Portrayals of the Public During Food Scares
Vileisis, Ann;
Kitchen Literacy: How We Lost Knowledge of Where Food Comes from and Why We Need to Get It Back
Florence auteur Hachez-Leroy;
Menaces sur l'alimentation: emballages, colorants et autres contaminants alimentaires, XIXe-XXIe siècles (Threats to food: packaging, colorants and other food contaminants, 19th - 20th centuries)
Sablani, Shyam S.;
75 Years of IFT: Food Engineering and Physical Properties, and Nanoscale Food Science, Engineering and Technology in JFS---1936 to Present
Jonathan Rees;
Food Adulteration and Food Fraud
Claas Kirchhelle;
Pyrrhic progress: the history of antibiotics in Anglo-American food production
Denesuk, Matthew;
Wilkinson, Susan;
(Fall 2011)
Agriculture and Smarter Food Systems
Janzen, Mark Ryan;
The Cranberry Scare of 1959: The Beginning of the End of the Delaney Clause
Brinkmann, Sören;
Leite e modernidade: ideologia e políticas de alimentação na era Vargas
Kvaal, Stig;
Østby, Per;
Sweet Danger---Negotiating Trust in the Norwegian Chocolate Industry 1930--1990
Loeber, Anne;
The Food Chain Reforged: Novel Food Risk Arrangements and the Metamorphosis of a Metaphor
Wilson, Bee;
Swindled: The Dark History of Food Fraud, from Poisoned Candy to Counterfeit Coffee
Erik Jönsson;
Tobias Linné;
Ally McCrow-Young;
Many Meats and Many Milks? The Ontological Politics of a Proposed Post-animal Revolution
Rudy, Kathy;
Locavores, Feminism, and the Question of Meat
Anna Zeide;
Canned: The Rise and Fall of Consumer Confidence in the American Food Industry
Carolyn Cobbold;
The Silent Introduction of Synthetic Dyestuffs into Nineteenth Century Food
Mosby, Ian;
“That Won-Ton Soup Headache”: The Chinese Restaurant Syndrome, MSG and the Making of American Food, 1968--1980
Thoms, Ulrike;
Between Promise and Threat
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