Zizek, Slavoj (Author)
In this ... sequel to his acclaimed Pandemic!: COVID-19 Shakes the World, Žižek delves into some of the more surprising dimensions of lockdowns, quarantines, and social distancing--and the increasingly unruly opposition to them by 'response fatigued' publics around the world. Žižek examines the ripple effects on the food supply of harvest failures caused by labor shortages and the hyper-exploitation of the global class of care workers, without whose labor daily life would be impossible. Through such examples he pinpoints the inability of contemporary capitalism to safeguard effectively the public in times of crisis. (blisher)
...MoreReview Warwick Anderson (2022) Review of "Pandemic! 2 : Chronicles of a Time Lost". Science, Technology, and Human Values (pp. 1334-1349).
Book Slavoj Žižek (2020) Pandemic!: COVID-19 shakes the world.
Slavoj Žižek;
Pandemic!: COVID-19 shakes the world
Stefano Santasilia;
Pandemia e stili di vita: pazienza
Luisa Simonutti;
Uneasiness. John Locke e le inquietudini del presente
Luisa Simonutti;
Paure, contaminazioni e alterità. Da Bacone a Kapuściński
John Krige;
Sabina Leonelli;
Mobilizing the Transnational History of Knowledge Flows. COVID-19 and the Politics of Research at the Borders
David Armando;
«Resasi inutile qualunque precauzione, e di nessuno giovamento i rimedj terreni». Il crocifisso di San Marcello dalla Controriforma al Coronavirus
Davide Orsini;
James A. Ostenson;
Francesco Brigo;
Mariano Martini;
Pandemics and Mental Disorders: From the Thought of the 19th Century Psychiatrist Andrea Verga to long-term effects of COVID-19
Fernando Rosa;
Alessandra Parodi;
Essere in una pandemia. Filosofia, medicina e Covid-19
Florence Bretelle‐Establet;
Science, Demons, and Gods in the Battle Against the COVID-19 Epidemic
M. Cristina Amoretti;
Elisabetta Lalumera;
Non-epistemic factors in epidemiological models. The case of mortality data
Michael P. Kelly;
Federica Russo;
The epistemic values at the basis of epidemiology and public health
Giuseppe Armocida;
Di nuovo una storia vecchia. L’emergenza Coronavirus
Omar Larentis;
Green Pass versus Health Faiths. To travel in confidence with public health
Kristin Heitman;
Authority, Autonomy and the First London Bills of Mortality
Paul Richards;
Ebola and COVID-19 in Sierra Leone: comparative lessons of epidemics for society
Lyle Fearnley;
(September 2020)
Viral Sovereignty or Sequence Etiquette? Asian Science, Open Data, and Knowledge Control in Global Virus Surveillance
John P. DiMoia;
Contact Tracing and COVID-19: The South Korean Context for Public Health Enforcement
Donatella Di Cesare;
Immunodemocracy : capitalist asphyxia
Choon Key Chekar;
Hyomin Kim;
COVID-19 Exceptionalism: Explaining South Korean Responses
Giampietro Gobo;
Barbara Sena;
Questioning and Disputing Vaccination Policies. Scientists and Experts in the Italian Public Debate
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