Book ID: CBB689588967

Reading Contagion: The Hazards of Reading in the Age of Print (2018)


Mann, Annika (Author)

University of Virginia Press
Publication date: 2018
Language: English

Publication Date: 2018
Physical Details: 288 pages

Eighteenth-century British culture was transfixed by the threat of contagion, believing that everyday elements of the surrounding world could transmit deadly maladies from one body to the next. Physicians and medical writers warned of noxious matter circulating through air, bodily fluids, paper, and other materials, while philosophers worried that agitating passions could spread via certain kinds of writing and expression. Eighteenth-century poets and novelists thus had to grapple with the disturbing idea that literary texts might be doubly infectious, communicating dangerous passions and matter both in and on their contaminated pages. In  Reading Contagion, Annika Mann argues that the fear of infected books energized aesthetic and political debates about the power of reading, which could alter individual and social bodies by connecting people of all sorts in dangerous ways through print. Daniel Defoe, Alexander Pope, Tobias Smollett, William Blake, and Mary Shelley ruminate on the potential of textual objects to absorb and transmit contagions with a combination of excitement and dread. This book vividly documents this cultural anxiety while explaining how writers at once reveled in the possibility that reading could transform the world while fearing its ability to infect and destroy.

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Authors & Contributors
Baggerman, Arianne
Boyle, Marjorie O'Rourke
Chess, Simone
DeLacy, Margaret
Gaudillière, Jean-Paul
Gradmann, Christoph
Dynamis: Acta Hispanica ad Medicinae Scientiarumque Historiam Illustrandam
Medical History
NTM: Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften, Technik und Medizin
Science in Context
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Technology and Culture
Oxford University Press
Palgrave Macmillan
Columbia University
Hong Kong University Press
Princeton University Press
Medicine and culture
Communicable diseases
Public health
Medicine and technology, relationships
Snow, John
Vesalius, Andreas
Harvey, William
Time Periods
19th century
18th century
20th century
16th century
17th century
20th century, early
Great Britain
Institut Pasteur, Paris
Institut für Infektionskrankheiten, Berlin

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