Book ID: CBB686534272

Historical Epistemology and the Making of Modern Chinese Medicine (2015)


This collection expands the history of Chinese medicine by bridging the philosophical concerns of epistemology and the history and cultural politics of transregional medical formations. Topics range from the spread of gingko's popularity from East Asia to the West to the appeal of acupuncture for complementing in-vitro fertilisation regimens, from the modernisation of Chinese anatomy and forensic science to the evolving perceptions of the clinical efficacy of Chinese medicine. The individual essays cohere around the powerful theoretical-methodological approach, historical epistemology, with which scholars in science studies have already challenged the seemingly constant and timeless status of such rudimentary but pivotal dimensions of scientific process as knowledge, reason, argument, objectivity, evidence, fact and truth. Yet given that landmark studies in historical epistemology rarely navigate outside the intellectual landscape of Western science and medicine, this book broadens our understanding of its application and significance by drawing on and exploring the rich cultures of Chinese medicine. In studying the globalising role of medical objects, the contested premise of medical authority and legitimacy, and the syncretic transformations of metaphysical and ontological knowledge, contributors illuminate how the breadth of the historical study of Chinese medicine and its practices of knowledge-making in the modern period must be at once philosophical and transnational in scope. This book will appeal to students and scholars working in science studies and medical humanities as well as readers who are interested in the broader problems of translation, material culture and the global circulation of knowledge.

Reviewed By

Review Mary Augusta Brazelton (2016) Review of "Historical Epistemology and the Making of Modern Chinese Medicine". Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences (pp. 819-820). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Barnes, Linda L.
Buell, Paul D.
Chiang, Howard Hsueh-Hao
Elman, Benjamin A.
Farquhar, Judith
Fu, Jia-Chen
East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal
Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences
Asian Medicine: Tradition and Modernity
Early Science and Medicine: A Journal for the Study of Science, Technology and Medicine in the Pre-modern Period
Endeavour: Review of the Progress of Science
Food, Culture and Society
Duke University Press
Harvard University Press
National University of Singapore Press
Stanford University Press
California Institute of Integral Studies
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Medicine, Chinese traditional
Cross-cultural interaction; cultural influence
East Asia, civilization and culture
Transmission of ideas
Rashid al-Din Tabid
Siebold, Philipp Franz von
Zhu, Xi
Sōtetsu, Ishizaka
Time Periods
20th century
19th century
20th century, late
18th century
20th century, early
21st century
Persia (Iran)

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