Harding, Christopher (Author)
This article offers a four-part framework for exploring the complexities and nuances of a modern and contemporary phenomenon in health care and broader public discourse in many parts of the world: the “religion-psy dialogue,” the increasing interchange between the thinkers, leaders, and laypeople of the world's religions and the professionalizing and expanding “psy disciplines”—principally psychiatry, psychology, and psychotherapy. The four parts outlined here—circumstances and orientations, the human person, language, and complementarities and antagonisms—reference the Japanese context in particular but build on experiences elsewhere in the world and are intended to be useful multinationally and transnationally.
Kosoto, Hiroshi;
Tracing the Formation of Kanpō Medicine in Japan
Harding, Christopher;
Japanese Psychoanalysis and Buddhism: The Making of a Relationship
Hung, Kuang-chi;
Alien Science, Indigenous Thought and Foreign Religion: Reconsidering the Reception of Darwinism in Japan
Zhang, Qiong;
Hybridizing Scholastic Psychology with Chinese Medicine: A Seventeenth-Century Chinese Catholic's Conceptions of Xin (Mind and Heart)
Yuki Mitsuhira;
Shūzō Kure’s essay on psychotherapy including music in twentieth-century Japan (1916)
Yu-chuan Wu;
Seeking Double Personality: Nakamura Kokyō's Work in Abnormal Psychology in Early 20th-Century Japan
Florence Bretelle-Establet;
Penser les épidémies depuis la Chine, le Japon et la Corée
Yibing Fang;
Zhong Ri jin dai gang tie ji shu shi bi jiao yan jiu: 1868 - 1933 = History of the iron and steel technology in modern China and Japan (1868 - 1933): a comparative study
Robert Kugelmann;
The Theory and Practice of Thomas Verner Moore’s Catholic Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
John M. Andrick;
The “Chicago School of Psychology” and Hypnotic Magazine: Suggestive Therapeutics, Public Psychologies, and New Thought Pluralism, 1895–1910
H. Floris Cohen;
The Rise of Modern Science Explained: A Comparative History
Takaaki Inuzuka;
Alexander Williamson: A Victorian chemist and the making of modern Japan
Multimedia Object
Mark Klobas;
Jürgen P. Melzer;
Jürgen Melzer, “Wings for the Rising Sun: A Transnational History of Japanese Aviation” (Harvard UP, 2020)
Martijn Storms;
Mario Cams;
Imre Josef Demhardt;
Ferjan Ormelinge;
Mapping Asia: Cartographic encounters between East and West. Regional symposium of the ICA Commission on the History of Cartography, 2017
Kiri Paramore;
Chinese Medicine, Western Medicine and Confucianism: Japanese State Medicine and the Knowledge Cosmopolis of Early Modern East Asia
Gao, Jian-ming;
Li, Bin;
The Comparison and Analysis of the Dissemination Patterns of Science and Technology between China and Japan in the Late Qing Dynasty
Jannetta, Ann;
The Vaccinators: Smallpox, Medical Knowledge, and the “Opening” of Japan
William Johnston;
The Shifting Epistemological Foundations of Cholera Control in Japan (1822-1900)
Cartwright, Julyan H. E.;
Nakamura, Hisami;
Tsunami: A History of the Term and of Scientific Understanding of the Phenomenon in Japanese and Western Culture
Park, Sub;
Transfer of Agricultural Technology from Imperialist Countries to Colonies: With the Focus on the Case of Korea and India
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