Altić, Mirela (Author)
The suppression of the Jesuit order influenced the overall production and content of post-expulsion Jesuit cartography, however, important differences in terms of content and discourse can be seen in terms of maps by former Jesuits created in Europe (esp. the Italian Peninsula and Central Europe) as well as the origin of Jesuit mapmakers (Creole / non-Creole). The reasons for this included the cartographic sources that the Jesuits used in exile, the new intellectual circles within which they exchanged geographic and cartographic knowledge, and the reception Jesuit maps had among former Jesuits as well as within European commercial cartography. Post-expulsion Jesuit cartography also had important impacts on intercultural transfers between Europe and the New World more generally. The study makes a comparative analysis of examples of the post-expulsion Jesuit cartography (manuscript and printed) from New Mexico, Chile, Paraguay, Quito, and Nueva Granada.
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