Wixforth, Harald (Author)
The collapse of the Borgward company in early 1961 was not only a shocking moment for Bremen, but for the entire German automobile industry. The circumstances of the largest bankruptcy of a German company at the time have repeatedly been subject to debate, especially concerning suspicions and accusations about who was to blame. Those responsible in Bremen politics at the time have especially been the focus of attention and criticism since then. The following study aims to show that grave mistakes within the management of Borgward, such as wrong choices concerning corporate strategy, excessive production- and sales-costs and an antiquated style of leadership, were responsible for the bankruptcy, not Bremen’s politicians. This highlights that a scientifically ambitious historical revision of the Borgward-bankruptcy needs to review new aspects of the story rather than following the approach of previous studies in order to not fall victim to conspiracy theories or ill-founded suspicions.
Leslie Hannah;
Corporate governance, accounting transparency and stock exchange sizes in Germany, Japan and "Anglo-Saxon" economies, 1870–1950
Jörn Lindner;
Technische Innovation als Schutz vor wirtschaftlichem Niedergang? Die Entwicklung der Rickmers Werft von 1945 bis zum Ende der 1960er Jahre. (Technical innovation as protection against economic decline? The Development of Rickmers Werft from 1945 to the End of the 1960s)
Boris Gehlen;
Internationalisierungsfaktor maritime Wirtschaft? Reedereien, Handelsgesellschaften und Werften der Thyssen-Bornemisza-Gruppe 1906/26 bis 1971. (Internationalization factor maritime economy? Shipping companies, trading companies and shipyards of the Thyssen-Bornemisza group 1906/26 to 1971)
Lehmann-Hasemeyer, Sibylle;
Neumayer, Andreas;
Does the preference for investment in local firms rise in turbulent times? Evidence from the portfolio of Joseph Frisch, private banker (1923–55)
Christian Ebhardt;
Vom holistischen Bauprinzip zur modernen Montageindustrie? Produktionssysteme im Schiffbau und der «Wandel der Arbeit» bei der Bremer Vulkan AG nach 1945. (From holistic construction principle to modern assembly industry? Production Systems in Shipbuilding and the "Transformation of Work" at Bremer Vulkan AG after 1945)
Harald Wixforth;
Handlungsspielräume in Umbruchszeiten: Der Bremer Vulkan im Zweiten Weltkrieg und in der Nachkriegszeit. (Room for maneuver in times of change: Bremen Vulcan in World War II and the Postwar Period)
Christian Henrich-Franke;
Innovationsmotor Medientechnik – Von der Schreibmaschine zur «Mittleren Datentechnik» bei der Siemag Feinmechanische Werke (1950 bis 1969). [Media technology as a driver of innovation - From the typewriter to "medium data technology" at Siemag Feinmechanische Werke (1950 to 1969)]
Milan J. Stankovic;
(August 2018)
Automotive factory ‘Crvena Zastava’: Yugoslav self-management socialism and challenges for national automobile industry
Holzweiss, Robert;
(Fall-Winter 2017)
Penn Central Reconsidered
Yates, JoAnne;
The emergence of the memo as a managerial genre
Haigh, Thomas David;
Technology, Information and Power: Managerial Technicians in Corporate America, 1917--2000
Yu Chen;
Zhang Jian and the Transfer of Western Business Methods through Japan into China
Landsberger, Henry A;
Hawthorne revisited: Management and the worker: its critics, and developments in human relations in industry.
James R. Munson;
The ‘interests of commerce’: business failure in the Commercial Code Debates, 1801–07
Peter Albrecht;
Braunschweig und der Kaffee die Geschichte des Röstkaffeemarktes von den Anfängen bis in unsere Tage (Braunschweig and Coffee: the history of the roasted coffee market from the beginning to our days)
Yarnell, Damon A.;
Behind the Line: Outside Supply, Mass Production, and the Question of Managerial Expertise in the Model T Era
Klas Nyberg;
Mats Hayen;
Karl Gratzer;
The Swedish bankruptcy-system, 1734−1849
Xiang Lin;
Karl Gratzer;
Marcus Box;
Bankruptcies in Sweden, 1774−1849. Causes and structural differences
Gishan Dissanaike;
Ranadeva Jayasekera;
Geoff Meeks;
Why Do Unsuccessful Companies Survive? U.S. Airlines, Aircraft Leasing, and GE, 2000–2008
Lamoreaux, Naomi R.;
Sokoloff, Kenneth Lee;
Financing Innovation in the United States, 1870 to the Present
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