Article ID: CBB671832965

Precision of Time Observation in Greco-Roman Astrology and Astronomy (2022)


This article reviews the evidence for the precision of observed (or allegedly observed) time determinations in the Greek astral sciences. In the practice of astrology, the determination of times ‒most commonly times of births‒ was the province of lay observers, and the precision was not normally more refined than to the seasonal hour. In astronomy, the extant observational records show a broad trend towards more refined precision, though the apparent culmination of this trend in Ptolemy is due not only to his employment of the armillary astrolabe as a precision time-telling instrument but also to his penchant for fabrication and tampering in his observation reports. Ptolemy’s claims to have attained to unprecedented time precision in the observations on which his tables were ostensibly based likely contributed to their early and widespread adoption by astrologers.

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Article Meropi Morfouli (2022) Introduction. Almagest (pp. 4-10). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Acerbi, Fabio
Ben-Dov, Jonathan
Bowen, Alan C.
Brown, David
Calderón Dorda, E.
Davis, John
Journal for the History of Astronomy
British Journal for the History of Science
Bruniana & Campanelliana: Ricerche Filosofiche e Materiali Storico-testuali
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage
Mariner's Mirror
MHNH (Revista Internacional de Investigación sobre Magia y Astrología Antiguas)
MIT Press
Oxford University Press
Hempen Verlag
Time measurement
Ptolemy, Claudius
Geminus of Rhodes
Hippocrates of Chios
Manilius, Marcus
Time Periods
Early modern
14th century
15th century
Rome (Italy)
Middle and Near East
Hermitage Museum (Saint Petersburg)

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