Wendt, Harry (Author)
Orchiston, Wayne (Author)
The CSIRO Division of Radiophysics used the WWII surplus AN/TPS-3 radar dishes for their early solar radio astronomy research and eclipse observations. These aerials were also used in a spaced (Michelson) interferometer configuration in the late 1940s to investigate solar limb brightening at 600 MHz. This work paralleled early solar observations at Cambridge. None of the Australian research results using the spaced interferometry technique appeared in publications, and the invention of the solar grating array in 1950 made further use of the method redundant.
Wayne Orchiston;
Peter Robertson;
The origin and development of extragalactic radio astronomy: The role of CSIRO's Division of Radiophysics Dover Heights Field Station in Sydney
Wayne Orchiston;
Harry Wendt;
The contribution of the Georges Heights Experimental Radar Antenna to Australian radio astronomy
Wayne Orchiston;
Masato Ishiguro;
Highlighting the history of Japanese radio astronomy. 6: Early solar monitoring at the Radio Research Laboratories of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, Hiraiso
Wayne Orchiston;
Peter Robertson;
Woodruff T. Sullivan III;
Golden Years of Australian Radio Astronomy: An Illustrated History
Orchiston, Wayne;
George, Martin;
Slee, Bruce;
Wielebinski, Richard;
The History of Early Low Frequency Radio Astronomy in Australia. 1: The CSIRO Division of Radiophysics
Harry Wendt;
Wayne Orchiston;
The short-lived CSIRO Division of Radiophysics field station at Bankstown Aerodrome in Sydney
Shimoda, Koichi;
Orchiston, Wayne;
Akabane, Kenji;
Ishiguro, Masato;
Highlighting the History of Japanese Radio Astronomy. 2: Koichi Shimoda and the 1948 Solar Eclipse
Wayne Orchiston;
Tsuko Nakamura;
Masato Ishiguro;
Highlighting the history of Japanese radio astronomy. 4: Early solar research in Osaka
Donald B. Campbell;
Radio astronomy at Cornell University: The early years, 1946 to 1962
Wendt, Hardy;
Orchiston, Wayne;
Slee, Bruce;
W. N. Christiansen and the Development of the Solar Grating Array
Wielebinski, Richard;
Junkes, Norbert;
Grahl, Berndt H.;
The Effelsberg 100-m Radio Telescope: Construction and Forty Years of Radio Astronomy
Wayne Orchiston;
Govind Swarup, Potts Hill and the Kalyan Array: India's first radio telescope
Harry Wendt;
Wayne Orchiston;
Masato Ishiguro;
Tsuko Nakamura;
Highlighting the history of Japanese radio astronomy. 5: The 1950 Osaka solar grating array proposal
David Leverington;
Observatories and Telescopes of Modern Times: Ground-Based Optical and Radio Astronomy Facilities since 1945
Martin George;
Wayne Orchiston;
Richard Wielebinski;
The history of low frequency radio astronomy in Australia. 7: Philip Hamilton, Raymond Haynes and the University of Tasmania's Penna Field Station near Hobart
Lars Gislén;
C. J. Eade;
The calendars of Southeast Asia. 5: Eclipse calculations, and the longitudes of the Sun, Moon and planets in Burmese and Thai astronomy
Becker, Barbara J.;
Priority, Persuasion, and the Virtue of Perseverance: William Huggins's Efforts to Photograph the Solar Corona without an Eclipse
Morrison, L. V.;
Stephenson, F. R.;
Historical Values of the Earth’s Clock Error ΔT and the Calculation of Eclipses
Leslie V. Morrison;
F. Richard Stephenson;
Catherine Y. Hohenkerk;
Fotheringham’s 1920 Accelerations of the Sun and Moon Revisited
Frank Close;
Eclipse: Journeys to the Dark Side of the Moon
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