Chapter ID: CBB667412433

Acque e dissesto idrogeologico nel Padovano (secc. XII-XIV) (2022)


Simonetti, Remy (Author)

Pearson Education Resources Italia
Pages: 57-177
Publication date: 2022
Language: Italian

During the medieval centuries, the Paduan authorities implemented an ambitious policy of control and exploitation of the water resources of the city and the territory which earned them the applause of Dante and numerous scholars and historians. An analysis of the published and unpublished sources also allows us to grasp the other face of the coin, i.e., a situation of hydrogeological instability in various sectors of the Paduan countryside. In some cases, this instability was natural; but in many other cases it was induced or aggravated precisely by that policy of management of water resources for utilitarian purposes which has led to important interventions on the Brenta and Bacchiglione rivers, to the opening of new waterways such as the Battaglia canal, to the creation of embankments, reclamations, etc. The lack of an overall picture, the limited scientific knowledge, the scarce economic resources available have led to a picture of hydrogeological instability which, for some areas, persists up to the present.

Included in

Book Giuliana Albini; Paolo Grillo; Blythe Alice Raviola (2022) Il fuoco e l’acqua. Prevenzione e gestione dei disastri ambientali fra Medioevo e Età Moderna. unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Simonetti, Remy
Agostini, Filiberto
Canzian, Dario
Miller, Char
Vergani, Raffaello
Vito Rovigo
Franco Angeli
Pearson Education Resources Italia
Trinity University Press
Edizioni Osiride
Water resource management
Environmental history
Disasters; catastrophes
Time Periods
Republic of Venice (697–1797)
Early modern
17th century
20th century
Adige River (Italy)
Holy Roman Empire

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