Cittadino, Eugene (Author)
Project Chariot, one of the first planned nuclear excavation experiments of the Atomic Energy Commission’s Plowshare program, touched off a controversy over its safety that drew in two prominent American biologists, Paul Sears and Barry Commoner, both now known mainly for their roles as environmental advocates. However, Sears, the ecologist and well-established conservationist, supported Project Chariot and the Plowshare program in general, while Commoner, unacquainted with ecology at the time, strongly opposed it. A close study of their different responses to this project provides insights into the tensions and pressures on scientists during this critical period of the Cold War, 1960–1961, when fear of nuclear war and concerns over radioactive fallout from bomb tests mixed with hopes for peaceful applications of nuclear energy and the environmental movement had not yet begun. For Sears, the close connections in the United States between the science of ecology and the Atomic Energy Commission may well have played a significant role in his support for Chariot, while for Commoner, Project Chariot turned out to be his epiphany moment, the incident that transformed him from an antinuclear activist into an environmentalist.
Egan, Michael;
Barry Commoner and the Science of Survival: The Remaking of American Environmentalism
Egan, Michael;
Barry Commoner's Place in History
Egan, Michael;
Barry Commoner and the Science of Survival
Jun 淳 Tateno 舘野;
[Evaluation of Reactor Concepts in the Power Reactor Development in USA: Demonstration Program and the Advantage of Light Water Reactors] 米国初期動力炉開発過程における炉型評価: 動力炉デモンストレーション・プログラムと軽水炉の浮上
Sideris, Lisa H.;
Moore, Kathleen Dean;
Rachel Carson: Legacy and Challenge
Hecht, Gabrielle;
Entangled Geographies: Empire and Technopolitics in the Global Cold War
Thomson, Jennifer Christine;
From Wilderness to the Toxic Environment: Health in American Environmental Politics, 1945-Present
Turner, James Morton;
“The Specter of Environmentalism”: Wilderness, Environmental Politics, and the Evolution of the New Right
Toshihiro Higuchi;
The Strange Career of Dr. Fish: Yoshio Hiyama, Radioactive Fallout, and Nuclear Fear Management in Japan, 1954‒1958
Cittadino, Eugene;
Paul Sears and the Plowshare Advisory Committee: “Subversive” Ecologist Endorses Nuclear Excavation?
Mbali, Mandisa;
“A Matter of Conscience”: The Moral Authority of the World Medical Association and the Readmission of the South Africans, 1976--1994
Sylvia Nickerson;
Taking a Stand: Exploring the Role of the Scientists prior to the First Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs, 1957
M. X. Mitchell;
The Cosmology of Evidence: Suffering, Science, and Biological Witness After Three Mile Island
Hecht, David K.;
How to Make a Villain: Rachel Carson and the Politics of Anti-Environmentalism
Oreskes, Naomi;
Conway, Erik M.;
Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming
Parr, Joy;
A Working Knowledge of the Insensible? Radiation Protection in Nuclear Generating Stations, 1962--1992
Hay, Amy M.;
A New Earthly Vision: Religious Community Activism in the Love Canal Chemical Disaster
VandeWall, Holly R.;
Expertise and the Disunity of Science: A Case Study in the Difficulties of Providing Expert Advice for Policy
McPhillips, Kathleen;
Local Heroes: Australian Crusades from the Environmental Frontline
Barrow, Mark V.;
Dragons in Distress: Naturalists as Bioactivists in the Campaign to Save the American Alligator
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