Green, Bryan S. (Author)
The transformation of the Empressas apostólicas (1739), a manuscript history of the Jesuits’ missions in Lower California written by the novo-Hispanic Jesuit Miguel Venegas, into the Noticia de la California (1757), a thoroughly revised version of Venegas’s original prepared by the Spanish Jesuit Andrés Marcos Burriel, provides a case study in how the enactment of the Jesuit ascetic ideal exercised on the Spanish-American mission frontier was closely linked to Enlightenment natural history and ethnography. Through an analysis of both works, as well as Burriel’s correspondence with his Jesuit confrères in New Spain, this article aims to demonstrate the underlying tension in eighteenth-century Jesuit writing between traditional, providential narratives and the skeptical, scientific discourse of secular natural histories. Burriel’s work, which was widely translated and disseminated throughout Europe, aimed to bridge these two discourses by employing the Society’s apostolic-ascetic vocation and global missionary network in the service of natural histories that would appeal to a secular reading public and inform Spanish colonial administration.
Prieto, Andrés I.;
Missionary Scientists: Jesuit Science in Spanish South America, 1570--1810
Mark Dizon;
Cartographic Ethnography: Missionary Maps of an Eighteenth-Century Spanish Imperial Frontier
Prieto, Andrés I.;
Missionary Scientists: Jesuit Science in Spanish South America, 1570--1810
Anagnostou, Sabine;
Jesuit Missionaries in Spanish America and the Transfer of Medical-Pharmaceutical Knowledge
Sarreal, Julia;
Revisiting Cultivated Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, and Daily Life in the Guaraní Missions
Sarah Irving-Stonebraker;
Enlightenment Ethnography on the Global Periphery: The Case of the Duff Missionary Voyage to the South Pacific, 1796–1798
Asúa, Miguel de;
“Names which he loved, and things well worthy to be known”: Eighteenth-Century Jesuit Natural Histories of Paraquaria and Río de la Plata
de Asúa, Miguel;
Science in the Vanished Arcadia: Knowledge of Nature in the Jesuit Missions of Paraguay and Río de la Plata
Nikolaus Klein;
Paul Oberholzer;
Esther Schmid Heer;
Transfer, Begegnung, Skandalon? Neue Perspektiven auf die Jesuitenmissionen in Spanisch-Amerika
Anagnostou, Sabine;
Jesuits in Spanish America: Contributions to the Exploration of the American Materia Medica
Micah True;
Masters and Students: Jesuit Mission Ethnography in Seventeenth-Century New France
Portuondo, Maria M.;
Secret Science: Spanish Cosmography and the New World
Reyes, Raquel A. G.;
Botany and Zoology in the Late Seventeenth-Century Philippines: The Work of Georg Josef Camel SJ (1661--1706)
Millones-Figueroa, Luis;
La historia natural del padre Bernabé Cobo. Algunas claves para su lectura
Nicole M. Mathwich;
Evan Giomi;
Order on the Edge of Empire: Social Network Analysis of Colonial Mission Landscapes in Nuevo México and the Pimería Alta
Jacqueline Van Gent;
Rethinking Savagery: Slavery Experiences and the Role of Emotions in Oldendorp’s Mission Ethnography
Joseph A. Gagliano;
Charles E. Ronan;
Jesuit Encounters in the New World: Jesuit Chroniclers, Geographers, Educators and Missionaries in the Americas, 1549-1767
Will Sweetman;
Ines G. Županov;
Rival Mission, Rival Science? Jesuits and Pietists in Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century South India
Hélène Vu Thanh;
Ines G Županov;
Trade and finance in global missions (16th-18th centuries)
Alexander Statman;
A Forgotten Friendship: How a French Missionary and a Manchu Prince Studied Electricity and Ballooning in Late Eighteenth Century Beijing
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