Timur Natkhov (Author)
Natalia Vasilenok (Author)
The Russian Empire had the highest infant mortality rate in Europe at the beginning of the twentieth century. Using a variety of official statistical sources and qualitative evidence, this paper documents uniquely high infant mortality among ethnic Russians. In contrast, among other ethnic groups of the empire, infant mortality rates did not exceed those of the European countries by much. The evidence suggests that the explanation for the Russian infant mortality pattern was ethnic-specific infant care practices, such as the early introduction of solid food, which increased the incidence of lethal gastrointestinal diseases. Our findings highlight the importance of traditional infant feeding practices in mortality in pre-industrial societies.
Brittany Cowgill;
Rest Uneasy: Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in Twentieth-Century America
Wangui Monica Muigai;
An Awful Gladness: African American Experiences of Infant Death from Slavery to the Great Migration
Ian W. Campbell;
Knowledge and the Ends of Empire: Kazak Intermediaries and Russian Rule on the Steppe, 1731-1917
Marisa Karyl Franz;
A Gathering of Names: On the Categories and Collections of Siberian Shamanic Materials in Late Imperial Russian Museum, 1880-1910
Michel Oris;
Stanislao Mazzoni;
Diego Ramiro-Fariñas;
Immigration, Poverty, and Infant and Child Mortality in the City of Madrid, 1916–1926
Toke S. Aidt;
Romola J. Davenport;
Felix Gray;
New perspectives on the contribution of sanitary investments to mortality decline in English cities, 1845–1909
Ferguson, Angus H.;
Weaver, Lawrence T.;
Nicolson, Malcolm;
The Glasgow Corporation Milk Depot 1904--1910 and Its Role in Infant Welfare: An End or a Means?
Bernabeu-Mestre, Josep;
Salud comunitaria y acción social en el control epidemiológico del tracoma infantil, España (1932--1939)
Shvarts, Shifra;
The development of mother and infant welfare centers in Israel, 1854-1954
Bryder, Linda;
From Breast to Bottle: A History of Modern Infant Feeding
Pujadas-Mora, Joana Maria;
Reforma sanitaria y movimiento puericultor en la lucha contra la mortalidad infantil en la ciudad de Palma de Mallorca (siglos XIX y XX)
Sayaka Mihara;
Vitalism and Neonatal Medicine in Japan, 1901-1945
Philippa Mein Smith;
Truby King’s Women: Four Australian Case Studies
Frohman, Larry;
Prevention, Welfare, and Citizenship: The War on Tuberculosis and Infant Mortality in Germany, 1900--1930
Weigl, Andreas;
The Rise and Fall of the Fürsorgerin (Female Welfare Worker) in Austrian Public Health Services: Theory and Practice of a Professional Link within a Changing Social and Epidemiological Framework
Paul, Harry W.;
Henri de Rothschild, 1872--1947: Medicine and Theater
Rowold, Katharina;
Johanna Haarer and Frederic Truby King: When is a Babycare Manual an Instrument of National Socialism?
Elisabeth M. Yang;
Constructing Moral Babies: The Medical and Scientific Enterprise of Infancy in America, 1850s–1920s
Reedy, Elizabeth Ann;
Ripe too early: The expansion of hospital based premature infant care in the United States, 1922-1950
Davies, Linda Margaret;
The Conquest of Infant Mortality: The Case of Hemsworth, 1871--1911
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