Gantevoort, Michelle (Author)
Hamacher, Duane W. (Author)
Lischick, Savannah (Author)
The canopy of stars is a central presence in the daily and spiritual lives of Aboriginal Tasmanians. With the arrival of European colonists, Tasmanian astronomical knowledge and traditions were interrupted and dispersed. Fragments can be found scattered in the ethnographic and historical record throughout the nineteenth century. We draw from these ethnohistorical documents to analyse and reconstruct Aboriginal astronomical knowledge in Tasmania. This analysis demonstrates that stars, the Milky Way, constellations, dark nebula, the Sun, Moon, meteors and aurorae held cultural, spiritual and subsistence significance for the Aboriginal cultures of Tasmania. We move beyond a monolithic view of Aboriginal astronomical knowledge in Tasmania, commonly portrayed in previous research, to lay the groundwork for future ethnographic and archaeological fieldwork with Aboriginal elders and communities.
Krystal De Napoli;
Margo Neale;
First Knowledges Astronomy: Sky Country
Duane Hamacher;
The First Astronomers: How Indigenous Elders read the stars
Jack Ashby;
How collections and reputation were built out of Tasmanian violence: Thylacines (Thylacinus cynocephalus) and Aboriginal remains from Morton Allport (1830–1878)
Bronwen Douglas;
Philosophers, Naturalists, and Antipodean Encounters, 1748-1803
Billy Griffiths;
The Archive of the Earth: Reading Rocky Cape
Nasim, Omar W.;
The “Landmark” and “Groundwork” of Stars: John Herschel, Photography and the Drawing of Nebulae
Wolfgang Steinicke;
William Herschel's 'Hole in the Sky' and the discovery of dark nebulae
Bratton, Mark;
The Complete Guide to the Herschel Objects: Sir William Herschel's Star Clusters, Nebulae, and Galaxies
Holmberg, Gustav;
Reaching for the Stars: Studies in the History of Swedish Stellar and Nebular Astronomy, 1860-1940
Longair, Malcolm S.;
The Cosmic Century: A History of Astrophysics and Cosmology
Nelson Sanjad;
Ermelinda Pataca;
Rafael Rogério Nascimento dos Santos;
Knowledge and Circulation of Plants: Unveiling the Participation of Amazonian Indigenous Peoples in the Construction of Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Botany
Sarah Irving-Stonebraker;
“The Sagacity of the Indians”: William Dampier’s Surprising Respect for Indigenous Knowledge
Amber Brian;
Alva Ixtlilxochitl’s Native Archive and the Circulation of Knowledge in Colonial Mexico
Hilary Howes;
Lothar Becker’s Contributions to Anthropology
Y. Srinivasa Rao;
Sindhu Thomas;
Indigenous poison healing traditions in Kerala
Wyatt, Geoffrey;
Stephenson, Toner;
Stevenson, Toner;
Hamacher, Duane W.;
Dreamtime Astronomy: Development of a New Indigenous Program at Sydney Observatory
Gregory Hitch;
Marcus Grignon;
A Forest of Energy: Settler Colonialism, Knowledge Production, and Sugar Maple Kinship in the Menominee Community
Erika Marie Bsumek;
The Foundations of Glen Canyon Dam: Infrastructures of Dispossession on the Colorado Plateau
Jennifer Saracino;
Barbara E. Mundy;
Dating the Mapa Uppsala of Mexico-Tenochtitlan
Alana Lajoie-O’Malley;
Kelly Bronson;
Gwendolyn Blue;
‘Consent’ as epistemic recognition: Indigenous knowledges, Canadian impact assessment, and the colonial liberal democratic order
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