Leitão, Henrique de Sousa (Author)
Romeiras, Francisco Malta (Author)
When dealing with the expulsion of the Jesuits from Portugal and with the building of anti-Jesuitism in the eighteenth century, historians usually focus on their alleged involvement in the attempt to murder king Dom José I and on the complex economical questions related with the foundation of the state trade company in Brazil. However, the Pombaline accusation of obscurantism and scientific illiteracy also played a central role in the history of anti-Jesuitism in Portugal, mainly due to its wide acceptance and longevity. This argument was not only directly relevant for the expulsion of the Jesuits in the eighteenth century but it was also a keystone of the anti-Jesuit propaganda that eventually led to the expulsion of the Society of Jesus from Portugal in the twentieth century.
Liu Dun;
Luis Saraiva;
History of Mathematical Sciences: Portugal and East Asia IV - Europe and China: Science and the Arts in the 17th and 18th Centuries
Carlos Ângelo de Meneses Sousa;
Sheila Cristina Monteiro Matos;
Os jesuítas e as Ciências no Brasil e Portugal – Quando a história se (re)faz
Ronald Raminelli;
Viagens filosóficas
Wellington Bernardelli Silva Filho;
Terapêutica e flora brasílica no contexto da farmácia portuguesa do século XVIII
Furtado, Junia Ferreira;
Rebellious Maps: José Joaquim da Rocha and the Proto-Independence Movement in Colonial Brazil
Furtado, Júnia Ferreira;
Tropical Empiricism: Making Medical Knowledge in Colonial Brazil
Matteo Giuli;
L'opulenza del Brasile coloniale. Storia di un trattato di economia e del gesuita Antonil
Costa, Kelerson Semerene;
Natureza, colonização e utopia na obra de João Daniel
Mirela Altic;
Missionary Cartography of the Amazon after the Treaty of Madrid (1750): The Jesuit Contribution to the Demarcation of Imperial Frontiers
Romeiras, Francisco Malta;
The Journal Brotéria (1902--2002): Jesuit Science in the 20th Century
Fleck, Eliane Cristina Deckmann;
A abordagem historiográfica dos séculos XIX e XX sobre a atuação de médicos e boticários jesuítas na América platina no século XVIII
Francisco Malta Romeiras;
Jesuits and the Book of Nature: Science and Education in Modern Portugal
Ugo Baldini;
Portugal, a Ciência Jesuíta e a Carreira da Índia (séculos XVI a XVII): coletânea de ensaios
Luís Miguel Carolino;
Geo-heliocentric controversies : the Jesuits, Tycho Brahe and the confessionalisation of science in seventeenth-century Lisbon
Luís Tirapicos;
On the Censorship of Tycho Brahe’s Books in Iberia
Luís Miguel Carolino;
Jesuítas, ciência e disciplina no Portugal da contra‑reforma
Santos, Catarina Madeira;
Administrative Knowledge in a Colonial Context: Angola in the Eighteenth Century
Varela, Alex Gonçalves;
Atividades científicas no Império português: um estudo da obra do “metalurgista de profissão” Manuel Ferreira da Câmara---1783--1820
Ana Simões;
Marta Lourenço;
José Alberto Silva;
Ciência, Technologia, e Medicina na Construção de Portugal. 2: Razão e Progresso (Séc. XVIII) (Science, Technology and Medicine in the Construction of Portugal: Reason and Progress. 18th Century, volume 2)
Laurinda Abreu;
A presença médica portuguesa no império (séculos XVI‑XVIII): acção dos agentes políticos
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