Article ID: CBB646729978

Costas y emporia de Arabia en el Periplo del mar Eritreo (2021)


Manuel Albaladejo Vivero (Author)

Geographia antiqua
Volume: 30
Pages: 109-120
Publication date: 2021
Language: Spanish; Castilian

This paper focuses on the information provided by the Periplus maris Erythraei about the ports of western and southern Arabia, with the hypothesis that each capital of the various kingdoms in those areas (that of Saba-Himyar and that of Hadramawt) maintained strict control over a main port, named emporion by the author/-s of the Periplus. This happened due to the political determination of the different rulers to establish strict control over long-distance trade in order to more effectively administer taxes, tariffs, and port fees in each of the ports designated or authorized for that purpose. Another factor of enormous relevance consisted in the readjustments that took place in commercial practices and in the distribution network of the Indian Ocean-Red Sea region due to the novel Roman presence, evident from the annexation of Egypt, and the search for amicitia with the Empire by various rulers of the area, ready to send diplomatic legations and gifts.

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Authors & Contributors
Marcotte, Didier
Gómez Espelosín, Francisco Javier
Seubert, Philippe
Hoz, María Paz de
Milanesi, Marica
Schneider, Pierre
Geographia antiqua
Explorers and Exploration
Ptolemy, Claudius
Eratosthenes of Cyrene
Ramusio, Giovanni Battista
Hecataeus of Miletus
Onesicritus of Astypalaea
Time Periods
16th century
18th century
19th century
Republic of Venice (697–1797)
Hellenistic world
Indian Ocean
Mediterranean region
Arabian peninsula

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