Kilburn-Toppin, Jasmine (Author)
Elaine Tierney (Author)
Charlotte Wildman (Author)
Researching urban space and the built environment is an accessible guide for historians keen to explore the spatial dimensions of the past. Written in a clear and lively style, it equips readers with the tools to effectively plan, research and write innovative spatial histories. By outlining and summarizing the theories and methodologies particularly pertinent to spatial research, and by providing hands-on advice on locating evidence and archives, the book supports researchers in the development of their own original projects. Through engagement with a rich array of primary evidence and useful historiographical case-studies, the guide opens up a huge variety of research possibilities. This book is the ideal research companion for undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as independent researchers. It is especially tailored for students in history and related disciplines in the humanities encountering spatial themes and methodologies for the first time.
Gail Higginbottom;
Roger Clay;
Fabien Voisin;
Phong Nguyen;
Testing Landscape as Cultural Expression
Dragana Ćorović;
The Quest for a New Urban Landscape: Spatial Transformation in the Nineteenth-Century Belgrade Environment
Gustavo Corrado;
Sixto Giménez Benítez;
José L. Pino Matos;
Nicolas Balbi;
Comparison Between Two Inca Sites, Located North and South of the Tropic of Capricorn
Melissa Charenko;
Blowing in the Wind: Pollen’s Mobility as a Challenge to Measuring Climate by Proxy, 1916–1939
Rajasri Ray;
Madhupreeta Muralidhar;
Spatio-temporal patterns in the history of colonial botanical exploration in India
Chris Millard;
Jennifer Wallis;
Sources in the History of Psychiatry, from 1800 to the Present
Andrew M. Busch;
City in a Garden: Environmental Transformations and Racial Justice in Twentieth-Century Austin, Texas
Wells, Christopher W.;
Car Country: An Environmental History
Harold L. Platt;
Building the Urban Environment: Visions of the Organic City in the United States, Europe, and Latin America
Daniela Aretino;
La città medievale rivive: una lettura dei capitoli del Breve di Villa di Chiesa
Concetta Fallanca;
La pianificazione integrale di Leonardo da Vinci. Implicazioni etiche, politiche e sociali
Jill Jonnes;
Urban Forests: A Natural History of Trees and People in the American Cityscape
John M. Findlay;
Magic Lands: Western Cityscapes and American Culture After 1940
Karen C. Seto;
Meredith Reba;
Kathryn D. Sullivan;
City Unseen: New Visions of an Urban Planet
Jasper Rubin;
A Negotiated Landscape: The Transformation of San Francisco’s Waterfront since 1950
Claudia Candia;
Giovanni Cislaghi;
Rilievo e progetto urbano negli studi di Leonardo per Milano
Mariella Zoppi;
Giardini: L'arte della natura da Babilonia all'ecologia urbana
Jonas van der Straeten;
Julia Obertreis;
Technology, Temporality and the Study of Central Asia
Krista De De Jonge;
Mapping Landscapes in Transformation: Multidisciplinary Methods for Historical Analysis
Serlin, David;
On Walkers and Wheelchairs: Disabling the Narratives of Urban Modernity
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