Brett Benjamin Hendrickson (Author)
Fessenden, Tracy (Advisor)
This dissertation examines the transcultural influences of Mexican-American religious and folk healing. While this healing tradition has been and remains most relevant and appealing to parts of the Mexican-American population, I demonstrate that Mexican-American healthways have long provided efficacious healing to diverse groups of people in the United States. This study uses historical documents, newspaper archives, ethnographic accounts, autobiographies, and how-to manuals to develop a nuanced and diachronic account of the hybridizations typical of Mexican-American religious healing from the time of Spanish colonial contact to the present. Durable cultural and religious predispositions create and sustain narratives of healing and wellness that ultimately allow sick people to encounter a return to wholeness. Similar metaphysical predispositions concerning healing and wholeness have long guided the embodied experiences of Anglo-Americans. These predispositions serve to channel the narratives and bodily experiences of participants; this dissertation finds that channels of convergence exist between the predispositions of Mexican-American religious healing and the American metaphysical religious tradition, especially in the American West. To demonstrate this convergence, I explore white interactions with several prominent folk saints active at the turn of the last century as well as more recent transcultural expressions of Mexican-American folk healing within the predominantly white New Age and alternative medicine communities. This project suggests that, even in conflicted contexts of colonialism and racial prejudice, transcultural religious hybridization can and does occur.
Trott, Wendy Carmen;
An Afrocentric Analysis of the Transition and Transformation of African Medicine (Root Medicine) as Spiritual Practice among Gullah People of Lowcountry South Carolina
Fields, Sherry;
Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
Achim, Miruna;
From Rustics to Savants: Indigenous materia medica in Eighteenth-Century Mexico
Calabrese, Joseph D.;
A Different Medicine: Postcolonial Healing in the Native American Church
Kressing, Frank;
Schamanismus als medizinische Prävention? Ein Fallbeispiel aus Ladakh (Nordwest-Indien)
Mahdavi, Shireen;
Shahs, Doctors, Diplomats, and Missionaries in 19th-Century Iran
Sweet, James H.;
Domingos Álvares, African Healing, and the Intellectual History of the Atlantic World
Adams, Vincanne;
Schrempf, Mona;
Craig, Sienna R.;
Medicine Between Science and Religion: Explorations on Tibetan Grounds
Putnam, Lara;
Rites of Power and Rumors of Race: The Circulation of Supernatural Knowledge in the Greater Caribbean, 1890--1940
Harrison, Henrietta;
Rethinking Missionaries and Medicine in China: The Miracles of Assunta Pallotta, 1905--2005
Sugishita, Kaori;
Traditional Medicine, Biomedicine and Christianity in Modern Zambia
Jeffrey E. Anderson;
Conjure in African American Society
Steltenkamp, Michael F.;
Nicholas Black Elk: Medicine Man, Missionary, Mystic
Jennifer Koshatka Seman;
Borderlands Curanderos: The Worlds of Santa Teresa Urrea and Don Pedrito Jaramillo
Vera, Hector;
The Social Life of Measures Metrication in the United States and Mexico, 1789--2004
Kopperman, Paul E.;
The Attitude of Benjamin Rush (1746--1813) towards Native American Medicine
Wilcox, Hui Niu;
Kong, Panyia;
How to Eat Right in America: Power, Knowledge, and the Science of Hmong American Food and Health
Rosemblatt, Karin Alejandra;
Modernization, Dependency, and the Global in Mexican Critiques of Anthropology
Muehlmann, Shaylih;
Where the River Ends: Contested Indigeneity in the Mexican Colorado Delta
Hayden, Cori;
Bioprospecting's Representational Dilemma
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