Article ID: CBB612133623

Les extraits de Dioscoride dans le Recueil des simples d’Ibn al-Bayṭār (2020)


Cronier, Marie (Author)

Galenos: Rivista di Filologia dei Testi Medici Antichi
Volume: 14
Pages: 305-325
Publication date: 2020
Language: French

In this article, I analyze how the Arabic botanist Ibn al-Baytar (13th c.) quotes the De materia medica by the Greek pharmacologist Dioscorides in his Compendium on simple drugs, Dioscorides being to him the main authority in that field along with Galen. It appears that he uses the Arabic translation of Dioscorides made in the middle of the 8th c. by Stephanos, a disciple of Hunayn ibn Ishaq. Of this translation, Ibn al-Baytar had at his disposal a manuscript of very good quality, close to the Parisinus ar. 2849, with many glosses. The excerpts from Dioscorides preserved in the Compendium contain several errors, especially in the transcription of Greek names, but also many good lessons, which help to improve the edition of the translation of Stephanos (due to C. E. Dubler). Finally, I give some examples of how useful the Arabic tradition can be when one is editing the Greek text of Dioscorides. In the appendix is the identification by Serena Buzzi and Ivan Garofalo of an excerpt which is ascribed to Dioscorides in the Compendium but which was actually translated from the Greek Eclogae medicamentorum by Oribasius.

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Authors & Contributors
Garofalo, Ivan
Bertolacci, Amos
Boudon-Millot, Véronique
Burnett, Charles
Buzzi, Serena
Cronier, Marie
Galenos: Rivista di Filologia dei Testi Medici Antichi
Medicina nei Secoli - Arte e Scienza
Ambix: Journal of the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry
Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
Asclepio: Archivo Iberoamericano de Historia de la Medicina
Nuncius: Annali di Storia della Scienza
Indiana University
Cambridge University Press
Edizioni Cadmo
Arabic language
Greek language
Arab/Islamic world, civilization and culture
Dioscorides, Pedanios
Albertus Magnus
'Ali ibn Ridwan
Apollonios of Tyana
Time Periods
Mediterranean region

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