Article ID: CBB598796577

Mapping political space and local knowledge: power and boundaries in a Hñahñu (Otomí) territory in Valle del Mezquital, Mexico, 1521–1574 (2018)


This paper examines historical changes in the spatiality of political power through the analysis of four communities of Mexico's Mezquital Valley during the late Postclassic (900–1521) and early colonial (1521–1574) periods. Recent research has suggested that the spatiality of ancient states is better understood by using networks and bounded-territory models rather than the dominant model of the modern nation-state. We find that tributary relationships and political entities of the Aztec imperial forces are better captured through a theoretical perspective that defines political entities as networks, while Hñahñu (Otomí) territoriality, usually defined by watershed divides, is more accurately illustrated using a model based on territory and boundaries. Post-conquest systems of spatial representation brought by the Spaniards were oriented towards idealized geometric forms and concrete borders. However, the study reveals that such systems were not fully implemented because colonial institutions were designed using pre-existing forms of political organization. Methodologically, the historical knowledge of a group of local experts was essential for reconstructing the changing spatial patterns of the region.

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Authors & Contributors
Aldana, Gerardo Villalobos
Allen, David Y.
Carrasco, David
Carrera, Magali Marie
Connolly, Priscilla
Van Duzer, Chet A.
Archaeoastronomy: The Journal of Astronomy in Culture
Archives of Natural History
Culture and Cosmos
Imago Mundi: A Review of Early Cartography
Cambridge University Press
British Library
Bodleian Library
Carocci Editore
de Gruyter
Maps; atlases
Native American civilization and culture
Science and religion
Edney, Matthew H.
García Cubas, Antonio
Sahagún, Bernardino de
Arrowsmith, John
Time Periods
Early modern
16th century
Great Britain
Holy Roman Empire

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