Aldous, Christopher Michael (Author)
Environmental scientists and activists in the early twenty-first century have identified productive, healthy soils as a key factor in feeding a rapidly increasing global population and mitigating climate change. This article argues that serious food shortages in Japan following its defeat in 1945 caused the fertility of its soils to become a pressing issue for the Allied Occupation (1945-52) and one seen as central to the success of democratisation. The prospect of famine in the cities in 1946 and 1947 and associated political unrest justified urgent imports of food from the US, causing much resentment among its allies, who questioned the seriousness of the food supply crisis in Japan. The Occupation's Natural Resources Section worked to reduce Japan's dependence on food imports by surveying Japan's soils and recommending their rapid augmentation with chemical fertilisers, the manufacture of which had practically ceased during the war. The US imported nitrogenous fertiliser to supplement inadequate domestic output and provided phosphate ore (for superphosphate fertiliser) from Florida, in addition to encouraging Japanese mining operations on Angaur Island, formerly part of the Japanese empire. The latter generated conflicts with the natives of the island, the local US naval command and the Australian government. Such tensions demonstrate the many and varied facets of the 'fertiliser problem', which was seen as pivotal to food supply and economic recovery. Major imports of agricultural commodities from the US after 1952 reflected its Cold War alliance with Japan. Likewise, significant transfers of technology contributed to a steep increase in the use of agricultural chemicals, causing the fertiliser problem to become a pressing environmental one by the 1990s.
Siegel, Benjamin;
Hungry Nation: Food, Famine, and the Making of Modern India
John Lidwell-Durnin;
Cultivating Famine: Data, Experimentation and Food Security, 1795–1848
Holland, Peter;
Home in the Howling Wilderness: Settlers and the Environment in Southern New Zealand
Anthony S. Travis;
Nitrogen Capture: The Growth of an International Industry
Margaret Cook;
Australia's Entanglement in Global Cotton
Derek Byerlee;
The Super State: The Political Economy of Phosphate Fertilizer Use in South Australia, 1880–1940
Boer, Reint de;
The Engineer and The Scandal: A Piece of Science History
Lisa Sigl;
Ruth Falkenberg;
Maximilian Fochler;
Changing articulations of relevance in soil science: Diversity and (potential) synergy of epistemic commitments in a scientific discipline
Blanchard, Pascal;
Human Zoos: Science and Spectacle in the Age of Colonial Empires
Lesch, John E.;
The German Chemical Industry in the Twentieth Century
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Nitrogen Revolutions: Agricultural Expertise, Technology, and Policy in Cold War Chile
Takehiko Hashimoto;
The Construction of the System of Aeronautical Standards for Safe Air Navigation before World War II
Sato, Yasushi;
A Contested Gift of Power: American Assistance of Japan's Space Launch Vehicle Technology, 1965--1975
Kingery, W. D.;
Japanese/American technological innovation: The influence of cultural differences on Japanese and American innovation in advanced materials: Proceedings of the Symposium on Japanese/American Technological Innovation held December 1990 at the University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona
Takushi Otani;
Technology Transfer as a Dialogical Process Crossing the Pacific Ocean: Sony's Transistor Technology Transfer
Verschuer, Charlotte von;
Rice, agriculture, and the food supply in premodern Japan
Yamanaka, Nobuo;
Changes of Phosphoric Acid Manufacturing Processes in Japan
Paul Kreitman;
(April 2018)
Attacked by Excrement: The Political Ecology of Shit in Wartime and Postwar Tokyo
Collier, Alan J.;
Identifying Superior Performance Factors Relevant to Australian University TTOs
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Food Power: The Rise and Fall of the Postwar American Food System
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